Releases: keeps/commons-ip
Releases · keeps/commons-ip
Version 2.8.2
Bug fixes
- String concatenation causes double PathSeparators in regex. #304
- SIP fails validation when parsing an unzipped sip #298 (Thanks to @JohannesKarlsen99)
- Add options to the write strategy for configuring the creation of SipId folder inside the ZIP
- Add dependencies for CITS-ERMS and CITS-SIARD
- Several dependency major upgrades to fix security vulnerabilities
Version 2.8.1
Bug fixes:
- Issue with the Paths library having different behavior depending on the OS.
Version 2.8.0
New features:
- Support for E-ARK CSIP version 2.2.0 (creation and validation)
- Several dependency upgrades to fix security vulnerabilities
Version 2.7.0
New features:
- Add option to disable file integrity validation #280
- Create different writing output strategies when creating an E-ARK SIP #125
Bug fixes:
- Fix relative path validation #278
- Provide more information during the validation process #266
- Several dependency upgrades to fix security vulnerabilities
Thanks to @mrBaas for his contributions.
Version 2.6.2
Bug fixes:
- NPE when instantiating EARKSIP without a version #254 (Thanks @ThomasEdvardsen)
- Issue with Incorrect Checksum for representation METS in SIP Creation #250
- Several dependency upgrades to fix security vulnerabilities
Version 2.6.1
Bug fixes:
- Remove logback.xml file from Jar
Version 2.6.0
New features:
- Support for Jakarta EE 10
Bug fixes:
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: org.roda_project.commons_ip2.mets_v1_12.beans.AmdSecType cannot be cast to org.roda_project.commons_ip2.mets_v1_12.beans.MdSecType #213
- Several dependency upgrades to fix security vulnerabilities
Version 2.5.0
New features:
- Support for E-ARK CSIP version 2.1.0 (creation and validation)
- Using JDK 17 instead of JDK8
- New CLI using Picocli. See the or type --help to know about the available options and commands
Bug fixes:
- Validation of representation without descriptive metadata files generates NullPointerException #204 (thanks @ThomasEdvardsen)
- If the top-level structural division element’s LABEL is missing, a NullPointerException is thrown. #205
- Does not validate root METS against SIP/AIP specification when no representation METS exists #207
- Several dependency upgrades to fix security vulnerabilities
Version 2.4.0
New features:
- Option to add multiple schemas #191 [#178]
- Allow to set the checksum algorithm when creating a SIP #63
- Allow adding only the contents of a target representation folder #123
- Allow adding multiple metadata files and representations via the CLI #121
- Software version METS agent note is empty when generating SIPs in development mode #119
Bug fixes:
- Cannot create SIP with ID containing non-filesystem-safe characters #117
- CSIP106 validation fails due to ID not being unique across Package and Representation METS #180
- Validation module: CSIP17 dependent on whether descriptive metadata files exist or not? #157
- Administrative metadata only handled for preservation metadata / digiprovMD #118
- Metadata references with MDTYPE "OTHER" should generate OTHERMDTYPE containing the original type information #120
- Allow creation of SIPs without metadata #122
- Validation failure with UNC file paths on Windows #126
- -r flag with option "eark" causing ClassNotFoundException in version 2.3.0 #132
- Validation assumes labels on first structMap division, and checks for wrong value (e.g. CSIP86) #181
- Validator throws a NullPointerException on missing metsHdr (CSIP117) #154
- Validation module: the CSIP24 test seems to not fully cover all scenarios #160
- CSIP88 validation fails despite correctly labeled metadata div #165
- Wrong value for "specification" field in validation report for CSIP72-79 #166
- XLink type validation fails when METS elements are in prefixed namespace #162
- SIP2 validation checks against wrong profile #161
- NPE when trying to create the Mets file for an AIP #128
- Several dependency upgrades to fix security vulnerabilities