git clone
cd codeharbor
rake db:migrate
rails s
Visit your browser at: http://localhost:3000/
Install virtual box. Install vagrant (
git clone
cd codeharbor
vagrant up
Wait ~20 minutes.
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
rake db:migrate
rails s -b 0
Visit your browser at: http://localhost:3001/
Install docker and docker-compose on your system.
Install Docker Toolbox.
docker-machine -D create --driver=virtualbox dev
docker-machine env dev --shell=<e.g.powershell, bash...>
Run the command indicated by the env command.
Change to the directory of the repository.
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm web rake db:setup
docker-compose up
If running on Windows or Mac browse the ip that was displayed by the env command and the port 3000.
If on Linux browse: http://localhost:3000/
run rake db:seed
to add some demo data.
To create an initial admin-user start the rails server and create a new account. Run following:
rails c
>>> User.first.update(role: 'admin')
Run all tests with
rspec .
or just one test (e.g. rspec spec/controllers/exercises_controller_spec.rb
You can find the coverage results in coverage/index.html
If developing with docker:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml run -d --rm web rake db:create db:migrate
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml up
Or for specific test:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml run -d web rspec spec/controllers/exercises_controller_spec.rb
Use docker logs <containername>
to access the results of your tests.
Logs will only be available after the execution finished.