I made this in like two seconds in AutoHotkey. It's Dead by Daylight's 8th Anniversary event and there's such an insane amount of bloodpoints being accumulated that I can't be arsed to sit around clicking a button for twenty minutes, so instead, I made this to do it for me.
No autoclicker on the planet (for whatever reason) has a feature that holds the mouse button down before releasing then instantly clicking again. In terms of DBD this sucks, because even if you have a Bloodweb node set to "Click" instead of "Hold" in the in-game settings, all this does is reduces the time you have to hold to an amount any normal human wouldn't notice - but an autoclicker notices.
Press F8 to start it.
Hold F9 for a moment to stop it.
That's it, don't screw it up.
Usual disclaimer applies here, autoclickers can fuck up your PC if you aren't careful. Additionally I am not responsible for any action BHVR takes as a result of this. I doubt they will, but I'm covering my ass because everyone (including myself) is dumb and is bound to mess this up. Should've seen the look on my face when I realized I forgot to put the stop hotkey in when testing, that was a problem.