All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog。
- build: Add package release script and update configuration file (10e2211)
- release: Release v0.7.0 (fe25433)
- ai: Refactor model validation and selection logic (c660a2d)
- ai: Refactor model validation and selection logic (4bd0e55)
- deepseek: Adjust model configuration and type definition (2b231df)
- deepseek: Adjust model configuration and type definition (1f08e97)
- utils: Refactor notification, localization and tool class structure (b8550cd)
- utils: Refactor notification, localization and tool class structure (9a2b4cf)
- model: Optimize model service provision (ff9c098)
- svn: Enhance the path detection and log management of the SVN plug-in (c90a69d)
error: Add SVN related error prompts (4972c4b)
locale: Optimize the prompt for the completion of the weekly report generation (efebbe3)
release: Release v0.6.3 (db6ff67)
- provider: Optimize VSCode provider error message handling (9ccb51a)
- scm: Optimize version control system detection and commit message processing (d92553e)
- release: Release v0.6.2 (ed75871)
- core: Fix file selection and internationalization issues (4bd85f6)
- i18n: Optimize the logic of obtaining localization manager instances (7e52052)
- changelog: Update version to 0.6.0 (4810b27)
- commands: Refactor the command class system and add code documentation (bd1443f)
- utils: Add code review report generator and optimization tool class (d9da1b3)
config: Enhance configuration management system documentation and type definition (2e70f09)
features: Add code review feature (af250fd)
i18n: Update internationalized strings and optimize localization logic (76f57d7)
review: Add internationalized text related to code review (6c72cf8)
- ai: Add complete comment documentation for AI service provider related classes (2989f03)
- changelog: Updated version to 0.5.3 (e09e3bc)
- github: Added GitHub Copilot assistant configuration instructions (c9fe402)
- scm: Added source code management module detailed comments and type definitions (79801c4)
- ts: Optimized code documentation and comments (cc32d54)
- typescript: Optimized code comments and type declarations (35cbe88)
- build: Optimize build configuration and dependency management (9a7cc25
- build: Optimize webview build path and resource loading (c7f3872)
- config: Update eslint config and remove package-lock.json (d95e6b3)
- Update version to 0.5.0 and update documentation simultaneously (ed6b512)
- Weekly: Update the weekly report page using vite react rendering (15bee62)
config: Optimize project configuration and dependency management (01e53ed)
package: Update dependencies (e005364)
webview: Refactor WebView communication and interface logic (01f5f93)
config: Update configuration item structure and description (0eacdaf)
package: Update application description and classification information (b5e6c27)
readme: Optimize README file, add command list and configuration instructions (b80993c)
version: Update project version to 0.4.3 (9d8ed6d)
version: Updated project version to 0.4.4 (9ebfc88)
Updated document content and configuration instructions (618dd56)
- config: Modify the naming of Zhipu AI related configurations (3773623)
config: Update the configuration item structure and description (0eacdaf)
version: Update the project version to 0.4.2 (7967df6)
version: Update the project version to 0.4.3 (9d8ed6d)
- config: Modify the naming of Zhipu AI related configurations (3773623)
- version: Update the project version to 0.4.2 (7967df6)
- version: Updated to 0.4.1 (56c5c29)
- Added free AI model support instructions and new feature introduction (a7ff464)
- providers: Optimized AI provider configuration and error handling (4dde116)
- changelog: Released 0.4.0 version and updated configuration files (911ed64)
- Weekly Report: Add weekly report generation function configuration and internationalization support (7471d2c)
- changelog: Release 0.3.0 version and update documentation (cd0f05e)
- ai: 优化 AI 提供程序和参数配置 (238d03a)
- commands: 重构命令处理类的代码结构和类型 (d9cebd5)
- config: 重构配置管理系统架构 (664d6d4)
- config: 重构配置系统和 AI 提供商配置结构 (480f7d0)
- config: 重构配置系统架构 (7eb3ff2)
- localization: 统一配置项命名风格 (74ae537)
- prompt: 重构提交消息生成器功能 (791cb75)
- providers: 优化配置管理器的类型推断 (9e97e1c)
- app: 升级版本至 0.2.0 (fbae238)
- commands: 增强命令执行和错误处理功能 (cf8654b)
- scm: 添加获取提交信息输入框内容功能 (e670326)
- scripts: 添加配置更新脚本功能 (96fa854)
- config: 重构配置系统架构 (36ba4d7)
- config: 重构配置项结构并增强功能 (27848c2)
- deps: 添加依赖和配置相关更新 (2bd795a)
- extension: 移除配置验证并优化错误处理格式 (28662ab)
- release: 发布 0.1.0 版本 (9a39771)
- git: 优化代码格式和错误处理逻辑 (b413151)
- readme: 更新 README 文件以包含更多 AI 服务支持 (79eda9d)
- commands: 重构命令处理逻辑并优化错误处理 (d708190)
- core: 重构命令管理和错误处理 (cad5b4e)
- scm: 优化源代码管理部分 (5e5d791)
- utils: 优化工具类的错误处理和性能 (73dfaf4)
- Reorganize AI provider and SCM integration (968e9aa)
- ai: 添加 AI 工具类和模型选择服务 (5603b08)
- config: 新增多个 AI 服务提供商的配置支持 (fa072f1)
- docs: 添加多语言支持链接到更新日志和 README 文件 (fd16226)
- locale: 更新国际化语言文案 (54d806f)
- rebranding: 重新命名并增强 AI 提交信息扩展 (9f41dc1)
- ai: 增强 AI 提供商管理系统 (1b36a48)
- commitlint: 简化提交消息类型配置 (0dad6c2)
- config: 完善项目配置文件 (f9bd1e2)
- 更新配置和项目结构 (ae2507b)
- api: Normalize openai provider enum and improve logging (451f284)
- scm: 修复 GitProvider 和 SvnProvider 中的错误处理逻辑 (b2854e2)
- Update README and README.zh-CN files (2e3c5b4)