v1.5.6 - Automatic LCDS Heartbeats, automatic RTMP player creation, more documentation
Queue ids now static
Added invitee state
Added lobby member class
Fixed xmpp url loading for shards
Fixed bug where bot game lobby creation called the normal team lobby creation
Rtmp subscription channels now throw error if the channel is retrieved before its name is known
Fixed a bug where accepting an invitation would decline the inviation
Made all service names public
Added javadoc to all services
Deprecated ambiguous varargs sendRpc() methods, and replaced them with explicit versions
Invoke callback throws IllegalStateException if wait times out but no value has been set
Fixed bug where LCDS Heartbeats disconnected the client
Fixed bug where wrong player class was used in SummonerTeamService.createPlayer
Adjusted heartbeat interval
Added automatic call to summonerTeamService.createPlayer, which if not called prevented some calls from returning
You can’t perform that action at this time.