Serialize and deserialize structured data.
Designed for use on bare-metal embedded systems (no dynamic allocation, template based for optimisation), And provides implementation in Python. (see [microparcel-python](
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation:
Provide three differents entities.
The Message is the Payload, transmitted via a serial line (UART, I2C), byte by byte.
The Message object holds a Data buffer (an array of uint8_t), the size is defined by a class template parameter. And provides methods to access a specific part of the message (a specific bitfield in the message): It uses offset, in bits, and a bitmask
#include <microparcel/microparcel.h>
int main(){
// creates a message with a 8 bytes payload
microparcel::Message<8> msg = microparcel::Message<8>;
// set the 5th, 6th, 7th bits of the payload (5,6,7 of the first byte) at the value "2"
msg.set<uint8_t, 5, 3>(2);
// set the 13th, 14th, 15th bits of the payload (5,6,7 of the second byte) at the value "3"
msg.set<uint8_t, 13, 3>(3);
// set the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th bits of the payload; eg:
// bits 6 and 7 of the first byte, bits 0 and 1 of the second
// at the value "1"
msg.set<uint8_t, 6, 4>(1);
// for bisize higher that 8 (one byte), the offset must be aligned on a byte
// bitsize is limited to 16; and the rettype should be change to uint16_t
msg.set<uint16_t, 24, 16>(0xFFAF);
// getter works in the same way:
msg.get<uint8_t, 5, 3>();
msg.get<uint16_t, 24, 16>();
A Frame encapsulate the Message between a StartOfFrame (SOF) and a CheckSum.
The SOF is an arbitrary value (in our case, 0xAA), and the CheckSum is the sum of all bytes, including the SOF, truncated to 8bits.
It allows a lighweight and fast data integrity validation.
The Parser takes bytes, and builds up a Message from the data stream.
#include <microparcel/microparcel.h>
// a way to get data from a Serial Line (UART ?)
uint8_t getByteFromDataLine();
bool isDataLineEmpty();
int main(){
// a Parser for Message with a Payload of 6.
using TParser = microparcel::Parser<6>;
TParser parser;
TParser::Message_T msg;
TParser::Status status;
// main loop of embedded application
// continue till the fifo is empty
uint8_t byte = getByteFromDataLine();
status = parser.parse(byte, &msg);
// not complete and error could be treated differently...
// error means mainly that the checksum is not valid; transmission failed.
case TParser::eNotComplete:
case TParser::eError:
case TParser::eComplete:
// msg is complete, handle it
// HANDLE_MSG(msg);
The Parser also encodes Message into Frames for sending data
#include <microparcel/microparcel.h>
// prototype to send data
void send(uint8_t *data, uint8_t datasize);
int main(){
// a Parser for Message with a Payload of 6.
using TParser = microparcel::Parser<6>;
TParser::Message_T msg;
// fill the message
msg.set<uint8_t, 4, 8>(60);
msg.set<uint8_t, 0, 4>(0xC);
// builds the frame, with SOF and checksum
TParser::Frame_T frame = TParser.encode(msg);
// send over physical layer of choice
send((uint8_t*)&inFrame, TFrame::FrameSize);