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🚧 Settings page: HTML structure and i18n only
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luontola committed Apr 14, 2024
1 parent b6d03bb commit a7d5020
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Showing 3 changed files with 255 additions and 5 deletions.
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions src/territory_bro/ui.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
[territory-bro.ui.layout :as layout]
[ :as open-share-page]
[territory-bro.ui.registration-page :as registration-page]
[territory-bro.ui.settings-page :as settings-page]
[ :as support-page]
[territory-bro.ui.territory-list-page :as territory-list-page]
[territory-bro.ui.territory-page :as territory-page]))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,11 +78,7 @@
(layout/page! request)

{:get {:handler (fn [request]
(-> (h/html [:h1 "settings page placeholder"])
(layout/page! request)


Expand Down
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions src/territory_bro/ui/settings_page.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
;; Copyright © 2015-2024 Esko Luontola
;; This software is released under the Apache License 2.0.
;; The license text is at

(ns territory-bro.ui.settings-page
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[hiccup2.core :as h]
[territory-bro.api :as api]
[territory-bro.infra.authentication :as auth]
[territory-bro.ui.css :as css]
[territory-bro.ui.html :as html]
[territory-bro.ui.i18n :as i18n]
[ :as info-box]
[territory-bro.ui.layout :as layout]))

(defn model! [request]
(auth/with-user-from-session request

(defn loans-csv-url-info []
(let [styles (:CongregationSettings (css/modules))]
{:title "Early Access Feature: Integrate with territory loans data from Google Sheets"}
[:p "If you keep track of your territory loans using Google Sheets, it's possible to export the data from there and "
"visualize it on the map on Territory Bro's Territories page. Eventually Territory Bro will handle the territory "
"loans accounting all by itself, but in the meanwhile this workaround gives some of the benefits."]
[:p "Here is an "
[:a {:href ""
:target "_blank"}
"example spreadsheet"]
" that you can use as a starting point. Also please "
[:a {:href (str html/*page-path* "/../support")}
"contact me"]
" for assistance and so that I will know to help you later with migration to full accounting support."]
[:p "You'll need to create a sheet with the following structure:"]
[:table {:class (:spreadsheet styles)}
[:tr [:td "Number"] [:td "Loaned"] [:td "Staleness"]]
[:tr [:td "101"] [:td "TRUE"] [:td "2"]]
[:tr [:td "102"] [:td "FALSE"] [:td "6"]]]]
[:p "The " [:i "Number"] " column should contain the territory number. It's should match the territories in Territory Bro."]
[:p "The " [:i "Loaned"] " column should contain \"TRUE\" when the territory is currently loaned to a publisher and \"FALSE\" when nobody has it."]
[:p "The " [:i "Staleness"] " column should indicate the number of months since the territory was last loaned or returned."]
[:p "The first row of the sheet must contain the column names, but otherwise the sheet's structure is flexible: "
"The columns can be in any order. Columns with other names are ignored. Empty rows are ignored."]
[:p "After you have such a sheet, you can expose it to the Internet through " [:tt "File | Share | Publish to web"] ". "
"Publish that sheet as a CSV file and enter its URL to the above field on this settings page."]))))

(defn congregation-settings-section [model]
[:form.pure-form.pure-form-aligned {:action "#"}
[:label {:for "congregationName"}
(i18n/t "CongregationSettings.congregationName")]
[:input#congregationName {:name "congregationName"
:type "text"
:required true
:value ""}]]

[:input {:name "experimentalFeatures"
:type "checkbox"
:value "true"
:data-test-icon (if true "" "")}]
" " (i18n/t "CongregationSettings.experimentalFeatures")]]

[:div {:lang "en"}
[:label {:for "loansCsvUrl"}
"Territory loans CSV URL (optional)"]
[:input#loansCsvUrl {:name "loansCsvUrl"
:type "text"
:size "50"
:value ""}]]

[:button.pure-button.pure-button-primary {:type "submit"}
(i18n/t "")]]]]]))

(defn editing-maps-section [model]
[:h2 (i18n/t "EditingMaps.title")]
[:p (-> (i18n/t "EditingMaps.introduction")
(str/replace "<0>" "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">")
(str/replace "</0>" "</a>")
(str/replace "<1>" "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">")
(str/replace "</1>" "</a>")
[:p [:a.pure-button {:href (str html/*page-path* "/../qgis-project")}
(i18n/t "EditingMaps.downloadQgisProject")]]]))

(defn user-management-section [model]
(let [styles (:UserManagement (css/modules))]
[:h2 (i18n/t "UserManagement.title")]
[:p (-> (i18n/t "UserManagement.addUserInstructions")
(str/replace "{{joinPageUrl}}" "http://localhost:8080/join")
(str/replace "<0>" "<a href=\"/join\">")
(str/replace "</0>" "</a>")

[:label {:for "user-id"}
(i18n/t "UserManagement.userId")]
[:input#user-id {:name "userId"
:type "text"
:autocomplete "off"
:required true
:pattern "\\s*[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\\s*"
:value ""}]]
[:button.pure-button.pure-button-primary {:type "submit"}
(i18n/t "UserManagement.addUser")]]]]

[:th (i18n/t "")]
[:th (i18n/t "")]
[:th (i18n/t "UserManagement.loginMethod")]
[:th (i18n/t "UserManagement.actions")]]]
[:td {:class (:profilePicture styles)} "👨‍💼"]
[:td "Developer " [:em "(" (i18n/t "") ")"]]
[:td "[email protected] " [:em "(" (i18n/t "UserManagement.unverified") ")"]]
[:td "developer"]
[:td [:button.pure-button {:type "button"
:class (:removeUser styles)}
(i18n/t "UserManagement.removeUser")]]]]]])))

(defn view [model]
(let [styles (:SettingsPage (css/modules))]
[:h1 (i18n/t "SettingsPage.title")]
[:div {:class (:sections styles)}
(congregation-settings-section model)
(editing-maps-section model)
(user-management-section model)])))

(defn view! [request]
(view (model! request)))

(def routes
{:get {:handler (fn [request]
(-> (view! request)
(layout/page! request)
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions test/territory_bro/ui/settings_page_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
;; Copyright © 2015-2024 Esko Luontola
;; This software is released under the Apache License 2.0.
;; The license text is at

(ns territory-bro.ui.settings-page-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[matcher-combinators.test :refer :all]
[territory-bro.api-test :as at]
[territory-bro.infra.authentication :as auth]
[territory-bro.test.fixtures :refer :all]
[territory-bro.ui.html :as html]
[territory-bro.ui.settings-page :as settings-page])
(:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo)))

(def model {})

(deftest ^:slow model!-test
(with-fixtures [db-fixture api-fixture]
(let [session (at/login! at/app)
user-id (at/get-user-id session)
request {:session (auth/user-session {:name "John Doe"} user-id)}]

(testing "logged in"
(is (= model (settings-page/model! request))))

(testing "anonymous user"
(is (thrown-match? ExceptionInfo
{:type :ring.util.http-response/response
:response {:status 401
:body "Not logged in"
:headers {}}}
(settings-page/model! (dissoc request :session))))))))

(deftest view-test
(is (= (html/normalize-whitespace
Congregation name []
☑ Experimental features
Territory loans CSV URL (optional) []
{fa-info-circle} Early Access Feature: Integrate with territory loans data from Google Sheets
If you keep track of your territory loans using Google Sheets, it's possible to export the data from there
and visualize it on the map on Territory Bro's Territories page. Eventually Territory Bro will handle the
territory loans accounting all by itself, but in the meanwhile this workaround gives some of the benefits.
Here is an example spreadsheet that you can use as a starting point. Also please contact me for assistance
and so that I will know to help you later with migration to full accounting support.
You'll need to create a sheet with the following structure:
Number Loaned Staleness
101 TRUE 2
102 FALSE 6
The Number column should contain the territory number. It's should match the territories in Territory Bro.
The Loaned column should contain \"TRUE\" when the territory is currently loaned to a publisher and
\"FALSE\" when nobody has it.
The Staleness column should indicate the number of months since the territory was last loaned or returned.
The first row of the sheet must contain the column names, but otherwise the sheet's structure is flexible:
The columns can be in any order. Columns with other names are ignored. Empty rows are ignored.
After you have such a sheet, you can expose it to the Internet through File | Share | Publish to web.
Publish that sheet as a CSV file and enter its URL to the above field on this settings page.
Save settings
Editing maps
The instructions for editing maps are in the user guide.
You can edit the maps using the QGIS application, for which you will need the following QGIS project file.
Download QGIS project file
To add users to this congregation, ask them to visit http://localhost:8080/join and copy their User ID
from that page and send it to you.
User ID []
Add user
Name Email Login method Actions
👨‍💼 Developer (You) [email protected] (Unverified) developer Remove user")
(-> (settings-page/view model)

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