- turn all off (e.g. when leaving apartment)
- Get Rooms
GET: localhost:3000/rooms
- Add Room
POST: localhost:3000/rooms
body: { "name": "Cinema", "heating": [], "lighting": [], "others": [] }
- add thermostat
- add light
- Turn on/off
PUT: localhost:3000/light/:lightId/toggle?prettyPrint
- Dim
PUT: localhost:3000/light/:lightId/:dimVal?prettyPrint
- color temperature
- color hue
- Get Target Temp
GET: localhost:3000/heating/:deviceId/tsoll
- Set Target Temp (individually)
PUT: localhost:3000/heating/:deviceId/tsoll/:targettemp
- Set Target Temp (multiple)
PUT: localhost:3000/rooms/:roomId/heating/tsoll/:targettemp
- open window mode (turn heating off)
- vacation mode
- schedule
- turn on/off
- schedule
- turn on/off (main valve)
- turn on/off (individual valves)
- display water level
- turn auto watering on/off
- warning valve open
- display window state
- reminder/timer
- scan NFC tag to open controller app with room's view
- setup NFC tag / assign room by ID
- Create project folder
- Inside folder run 'npm init -y'
- Run 'npm install express --save' and 'npm i @types/express --save'
- Run 'npm i -D nodemon' (nodemon is a tool that helps develop Node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected. - https://www.npmjs.com/package/nodemon)
- Inside package.json add '"start": "node index.js",' to "srcipts"
- Run 'npm i -D typescript ts-node' (-D flag short for --save-dev)
- Inside package.json add '"tsc": "tsc"' to "scripts"
- Run 'npm run tsc -- --init'