Unofficial Desktop Client for Splatoon 2's SplatNet.
Currently Windows (exe) and OS X (dmg) are supported. Get the packages here
- Session Token Code: The app generates a Nitnendo login url and after the user logins it redirects to a link containing the Session Token Code.
- Session Token: The app sends a request to Nintendo with the Session Token Code to get the Session Token
- Iksm token: The app sends a request to flapg server with the Session Token to get the f flag required for Nintendo's Web Service endpoint. This returns the Iksm token. The Iksm token is placed in BrowserWindow cookies and is the only value required to access SplatNet.
- Once we have the Session Token, we can refresh the Iksm token without further logins.
npm install
npm start
electron-builder build --win portable
electron-builder build
electron-builder build --x64
I am not affiliated with Nintendo in any way, and I have no aceess to nor do I save any usernames, passwords, or web tokens.
hymm: borrowed the code for HTTP Protocol Registration and Cookie Jar from his Squid Tracks Application and helped him fix the login for Squid Tracks.