- Nice to have
- Analytics: Google (needs a cookie banner)
- Google tag manager
- Title and meta tags automation
- Google lighthouse scores
- Splash screen
- Generated audio starting after splash screen
- Ko-fi, Patreon, RSS feed, Gumroad
- newsletter (mailchimp subscription)
- Fix js.Build in js.html
git submodule add https://github.com/mpetteno/hugo-theme-vapor.git themes/vapor
cp -R themes/vapor/exampleSite/* .
sed -i '' 's|const themeDir = "../"|const themeDir = "./themes/vapor/"|g' postcss.config.js tailwind.config.js
sed -i '' 's|theme = "hugo-theme-vapor"|theme = "vapor"|g' config/_default/hugo.toml
sed -i '' 's|themesDir = "../.."|themesDir = "themes"|g' config/_default/hugo.toml
npm install
Change configuration as needed.
huge server [--environment production]
cd exampleSite
npm install
huge server [--environment production]