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Deals App - Android



  • Install Java 7 if you dont have it already. You can download it from here
  • Install the whole JDT, Java Development Kit, not just the JRE.


  • Download the ADT Bundle here
  • Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  • Preferably, move it to the Desktop folder.
  • Launch eclipse within this folder.

Android Tools

  • Launch Eclipse, and open Window->Android SDK Manager.
  • Select the following and install them
    1. Android SDK Tools
    2. Android SDK Platform Tools
    3. Android 4.4 (API 19) and Android 4.3 (API 18) both.
    4. Android SUpport Library
    5. Google Play Services
    6. Google Play for Froyo (may not be absolutely necessary)
    7. Intel x86 HAXM

Intel X86 HAXM

  • Download and install the Intel HAXM Emulator Installer.
  • While installing it, allocate atleast 512 MB of memory for it.


Genymotion is a fast, memory-efficient virtual machine that runs the Android OS and emulates an Android device more similar than the official emulator that comes with Eclipse.


Eclipse Genymotion plugin

  • Open Eclipse, go to Help/Install new software.
  • Add a new software to get updates. Name: Genymotion, URL:
  • Check all, accept licenses, terms and conditions and install it.
  • Restart eclipse to see the Genymotion Eclipse plugin.

Running Genymotion

  • Open Genymotion application, sign in and add a new device Nexus 4 - 4.3 - API 18.
  • In Eclipse, click the genymotion icon and start the new device.

Setup Google Play Services

  1. Download the Google Play services APK from here.
  2. Drag and drop the .zip file the running genymotion emulator.
  3. Close and restart the emulator.
  4. After the re-launch login to Play Store with your google account.

Open Eclipse => Windows => Android SDK Manager and check whether you have already downloaded "Google Play services" or not under Extras section. If not, select "Google Play services" and install the package.

After downloading the play services we need to import the project to Eclipse which will be used as a library for our maps project.

  1. In Eclipse goto File ⇒ Import ⇒ Android ⇒ Existing Android Code Into Workspace

  2. Click on Browse and select "Google Play Services" project from your android sdk folder. You can locate the play services library project from \extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib

  3. Be sure to check "Copy projects into workspace" option as shown in the below image.

  4. Right click on project and select "Properties". In the Properties window on left side select "Android". On the right you can see a Add button under library section. Click it and select google play services project which we imported previously.

Setting up Maps API Key

Retrieve SHA-1 Fingerprint

  1. For Windows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_60\bin\keytool.exe" -list -v -keystore "\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

  2. For Mac: keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Output will have the SHA-1 fingerprint.

Making Google maps work across other machines

I have uploaded my machines debug.keystore in the git repository. It should be in the root folder.

  • Open ADT => Preferences.
  • On the left side, choose Android => Build.
  • Browse and choose the debug.keystore in the project for the custom setting.

If that doesnt work for running the maps try this:

Getting client key

  1. Go to Deals Google App Console.
  2. Go to Credentials => Create New Key => Android Key.
  3. Enter you SHA-1 and activity name seperated by a semicolon. "<SHA-1_Key>;" and you will get your Maps API key.
  4. Open the AndroidManifest.xml file and replace the
  5. with your key you just obtained from the Google Developer Console.


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