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Mohammad Rajabloo edited this page Aug 10, 2024 · 1 revision

if you are using Prometheus for monitoring you can copy this code to you project:

package metrics

import (


var _ prometheus.Collector = &CircuitCollector{}

const (
	circuitBreakerSystem = "circuit_breaker"

// CircuitCollector is used to collect circuit breaker stat using prometheus.
type CircuitCollector struct {
	circuit circuitbreaker.Manager
	State   *prometheus.Desc
	Success *prometheus.Desc
	Failure *prometheus.Desc

// NewCircuitCollector create new CircuitCollector.
func NewCircuitCollector(service, name string, circuit circuitbreaker.Manager) *CircuitCollector {
	return &CircuitCollector{
		circuit: circuit,
		State: prometheus.NewDesc(
				service, circuitBreakerSystem, fmt.Sprintf("%s_state", name),
			fmt.Sprintf("state of circuit breaker for %s service", name),
			nil, nil,
		Failure: prometheus.NewDesc(
				service, circuitBreakerSystem, fmt.Sprintf("%s_failure_total", name),
			fmt.Sprintf("failure count of circuit breaker for %s service", name),
			nil, nil,
		Success: prometheus.NewDesc(
				service, circuitBreakerSystem, fmt.Sprintf("%s_success_total", name),
			fmt.Sprintf("success count of circuit breaker for %s service", name),
			nil, nil,

// Describe give the collector descriptions about this collector metrics.
func (c *CircuitCollector) Describe(descs chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
	// the Collect method will always return the same two metrics with the same two descriptors.
	prometheus.DescribeByCollect(c, descs)

// Collect implement prometheus collector Collect and used to give the collected metrics about ants.
func (c *CircuitCollector) Collect(metrics chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
	stat := c.circuit.Stat(context.Background())

	// collect current state.
	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.State, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(stat.State))

	// collect failure count.
	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.Failure, prometheus.CounterValue, float64(stat.Failure))

	// collect success count.
	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.Success, prometheus.CounterValue, float64(stat.Success))

make sure the metric is registered using prometheus.Register function.

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