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This is a guide on how to integrate a spring-boot server-side application with React client-side

It uses:

  • spring-boot 2
  • React
  • WebMVC and JPA

To create the server-side:

  • Use spring initializer to create a spring-boot application with JPA, H2, WEB and DEVTOOLS
  • Import the spring-boot application to the IDE as an existing Maven project
  • Create a simple controller and a manager with a CRUD Repository


public class HrController {

	private HrManager hrManager;
	@GetMapping(path = "/test")
	public String test() {
		return "HELLO, The server time is " + new Date();
	@GetMapping(path = "/users_static")
	public Iterable<User> getUsersStaticList() {
		return hrManager.getAllUsersStatic();
	@GetMapping(path = "/users")
	public Iterable<User> getUsers() {
		return hrManager.getAllUsers();
	@GetMapping(path = "/users/{id}")
	public Optional<User> getUserById(@PathVariable String id) {
		return hrManager.getUserById(id);
public class HrManager {

	private UserRepository userRepository;
	public List<User> getAllUsersStatic() {
		List<User> list = new ArrayList<User>();
		list.add(new User.Builder().withId("Naor").withName("Naor Bar").withTitle("").build());
		list.add(new User.Builder().withId("Naor2").withName("Naor Bar 2").withTitle("TL").build());
		return list;
	public Iterable<User> getAllUsers() {
		return userRepository.findAll();

	public Optional<User> getUserById(String id) {
		return userRepository.findById(id);

public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, String> {


Additional Settings in

# H2

# Additional Web debug prints:

To create the client-side:

  • cd to the root folder of the project, e.g. C:\temp\spring-boot-with-react
  • Use npx create-react-app frontend to create a folder called frontend inside the project
  • Use cd frontend and npm start to start the client at http://localhot:3000

Now we have both server running at http://localhost:8080 and client running at http://localhot:3000, but when the client tries to connect to the server on the same machine, you may get a CORS exception, i.e.

Access to fetch at 'http://localhost:8080/test' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource...

Note: on production it won't happen since I use the same server (spring-boot's tomcat) to serve both UI and Server.

To avoid this on development you can enable CORS on the browser or the server, or set up a proxy in the client

Setting the browser for development purposes:

Launch the browser with --disable-web-security flag E.g. chrome.exe --disable-web-security or add this extension (the easiest solution):

Setting the proxy for development purposes:

Note: the client-side development will be done on http://localhot:3000 (as usual), so to enable calling the rest APIs from the client to the server, we add the following proxy settings:

  • cd frontend and npm install http-proxy-middleware
  • Create a new file in frontend\src folder: setupProxy.js
const proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware');

module.exports = function(app) {
	app.use('/api', proxy({
	    target: 'http://localhost:8080', 
	    logLevel : 'debug',
	    changeOrigin: true,
	    pathRewrite: {
	        '^/api' : '/'

Setting the pom.xml for production purposes:

Since spring-boot application serves static content if you put it into the classes/public of the .jar file, we use 2 maven plugins which:

  1. Create a production build of the frontend with npm run build command (frontend-maven-plugin) >>> the artifacts will be located in the frontend/build folder
  2. Copy the production artifacts from frontend/build to target/classes/public before packaging to jar (maven-antrun-plugin) >>> the artifacts will be located in the jar file under: BOOT-INF\classes\public
  • Add the following plugins to the pom.xml
            <id>install node and npm</id>
            <id>npm install</id>
            <id>npm run build</id>
                <arguments>run build</arguments>
                    <copy todir="${}/classes/public">
                        <fileset dir="${project.basedir}/frontend/build"/>
  • Generate the artifact using Run > Maven Build (package) >>> the artifact will be located in the target folder
  • Run java -jar <spring_boot_jar> to start the server, e.g. java -jar spring-boot-with-react-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • Browse to localhost:8080 and verify the frontend is loaded as expected


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