This project contains a script which classifies a given (sub-daily) time series's diurnal pattern into four main classes. These are:
- Two Peaks
- Morning Peak
- Evening Peak
- Long Peak
Plus, strictly speaking, two more:
- Unsuitable: Time series which are, usually due to overall daily demand value, outside plausible bounds.
- Unclassifyable: Time series, which, while not unsuitable, cannot be classified according to the logic implemented.
It has not been uploaded to the Python Package Index, so a manual install via pip is necessary.
The documentation of the logic behind the classification can be found in the thesis Agent Based Modelling of city-wide Water Demand (not yet published).
Created by Sven Berendsen as part of his PhD project at Newcastle University, (C) 2023. Licenced under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.
- Introduce more classes to cover the currently unclassifyable cases.
- Professionalise Code: Currently the code is "clean prototype" level, i.e. has little in-code documentation (but very sensible function and object names).
- Improve the derivation of the characteristic points according to previously defined ones.
- Remove the vestiges of matplotlib usage.
This code is originally (C) Sven Berendsen, 2023. Published under the terms of the Apache Licence, version 2.0.