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15 repositories
Public archivePC-Prep-Kit
Public archivePC Prep Kit is a web application aimed at educating Peace Corps Volunteers and increasing awareness about Malaria and its prevention techniques.macc
Public archive- Mobile data tracking notebook for Peace Corps Volunteers in the field to record hard to remember details of activities that they will be required to report on later. This project has been archived until finds new contacts within Peace Corps to finish and test these projects in the field.
Public archiveRealTrack is an Android smartphone application designed to facilitate day-to-day data collection by Peace Corps Volunteers in the field. This project has been archived until finds new contacts within Peace Corps to finish and test these projects in the field.malaria-app-ios
Public archivecrowdmap
Public archiveThe Ushahidi Platform is an open source web application for information collection, vizualisation and interactive mapping. It allows people to collect and share their own stories using various mediums such as SMS, Web Forms, Email or Twitter.old_crowdmap
Public archiveA customization of the Ushahidi Platform for Peace Corps Volunteers serving in Azerbaijan. Peace Corps Volunteers in Azerbaijan are attempting to use Ushahidi to better coordinate their efforts and share identified resources with each other more efficiently.FirstAide-web
Public archiveFirstAide-Android
Public archivepeacetrack-readme
Public archivemalaria-app-readme
Public archive