#Drive Monitor
- DiskManager
- FolderManager
- Responsible for storing and managing Folder references
- WatcherManager
- Responsible for storign and managing FileSystemWatcher references
- Manager
- A abstract class that describes the base implementation of a threaded process to handle a list of jobs and the jobs derived from it.
- JobManager
- An implementation of the manager abstract class to handle discovery & analyze jobs
- IJob
- A interface that describes the api for jobs that are used on the manager
- AnalyzeJob
- A implementation of a job that analyzes a given folder for it's content
- ExploreJob
- A implementation of a job that explores a given folder and generates the ExploreJobs for its subdirectories and a AnalyzeJob for itself.
- Pooler
- A unused class that describes the base implementation of a thread that repeats a list of actions every N interval.
###Data Objects
- Folder
- Describes a Folder in the system
- IFolderDiscoveryNotifiable
- Interface that describes the api of a notifiable object that tracks folder discoveries events
- IFolderNotifiable
- Interface that describes the api of a notifiable object taht tracks changes on folders