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Jos van de Wolfshaar edited this page Feb 22, 2018 · 2 revisions

LIP 9 - Optimizing mixture input distributions

Title Optimizing mixture input distributions
Author J. van de Wolfshaar
Status Draft
Type Standard
Discussion Issue #39
Created Feb 22, 2018


Consider the situation in which we have IVs nodes as inputs to our SPN. If we have mixture nodes that merely perform a weighted sum over the IVs we multiply (or add in log-space) the weights corresponding to a single value of the IV.

This resulting value is actually as if we are gathering a single row/column from our weight matrix for that particular sample. Hence, we propose to change the behavior of a Sum, a ParSum or a SumsLayer for IVs inputs to directly use the IVs' placeholder _feed for gathering the correct rows or columns.

Technical Background

An IVs node might be connected as input to a Sum, ParSum or SumsLayer node. If we pass any non-negative integer to indicate the evidence, we first compute the dense representation of the IVs.

Then, the dense representation will be applied component-wise to the weight matrix to get the weighted value of a sum node. Finally, the result will be reduced to obtain the value of each sum node being modeled.

In terms of TF operations, the current implementation involves:

  • Computing the one-hot representation of the IVs value
  • Assigning rows of 1s wherever the input had no evidence (-1)
  • Applying the IVs dense representation component-wise to the weights. This is addition in log space and multiplication in non-log space.
  • Reducing to get the result of a single sum being modeled. This might a reduce_logsum (consisting of multiple Ops itself) in log space and otherwise a reduce_sum in non-log space.

This seems to be an expensive way of actually just selecting any weight per sum, or 1 in the case of no evidence.


For a Sum node the weights are represented by a tensor of shape [num_weights], this means that we could perform a tf.gather operation on this tensor to obtain the values in case of an IVs input. Before we perform gathering, we might even choose to add another element to the tensor which contains 1 (i.e. the sum of the normalized weights), which corresponds to the value that needs to be gathered whenever the IVs' input is -1.

For a higher-level Sum node e.g. a ParSum or a SumsLayer, the weight tensor will have shape [num_sums, num_weights], where each row corresponds to a certain sum being modeled by the node. In this case, we would add a column of ones and gather that in case of -1, similar to what was done before.

Inside the _compute_value and _compute_log_value methods of our Sum nodes, we should distinguish between different kinds of input nodes. Whenever an input is an IVs node, we no longer compute its value directly, we merely gather the elements indicated by the 'sparse' representation of the IVs input feed.

Performance comparison

Note that this method is completely independent of the size of the indicator variable, as there is no reduction or component-wise operation at all. In the overview below we compare the current application of IVs value cwise_reduce with gather_col and gather_row. We have included both ways of gathering to investigate whether one would have a large advantage over the other. Since this is not the case, we will just pick the option has the least impact on the current implementation.

The results below also show that the method is independent of whether it is applied in log-space or non-log space.

Input mixture
CPU          op    dt:  size  setup_time  first_run_time  rest_run_time    correct
GPU          op    dt:  size  setup_time  first_run_time  rest_run_time    correct
   cwise_reduce int32:   144       73.90           67.27          37.66       True
     gather_col int32:   189       95.12           26.63           1.09       True
     gather_row int32:    99       51.17           17.01           0.98       True

Input mixture Log
CPU          op    dt:  size  setup_time  first_run_time  rest_run_time    correct
GPU          op    dt:  size  setup_time  first_run_time  rest_run_time    correct
   cwise_reduce int32:   265      139.13          124.29          78.53       True
     gather_col int32:   199      133.17           29.89           1.09       True
     gather_row int32:   109       54.68           22.14           0.97       True


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