3D space shooter video game running on Raspberry Pi
- Raspbery Pi 4B
- Waveshare 2.4 inch LCD
- MCP3008 analog to digital converter
- 2 x joystick
- 2 x button
Connect Waveshare 2.4 inch LCD according to manufacturer documentation: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/2.4inch_LCD_Module
Connect MCP3008 to Raspberry Pi SPI ports (MISO, MOSI SCLK, SPI CE1)
Connect joystick and buttons to MCP3008 ports:
port | device |
0 | right thumbstick button |
1 | right thumbstick X axis |
2 | right thumbstick Y axis |
3 | right button |
4 | left thumbstick X axis |
5 | left thumbstick Y axis |
6 | left button |
7 | - |
All buttons connected via 10K pullup resistor
sudo raspi-config
# Choose Interfacing Options -> SPI -> Yes to enable the SPI interface.
sudo reboot
Get your copy from release section or build from source.
Project depends on WiringPi
version 3.12 was used in development
wget https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi/releases/download/3.12/wiringpi_3.12_arm64.deb
sudo dpkg -i wiringpi_3.12_arm64.deb
CMake build system is used to build this software.
sudo apt-get install cmake
In order to build the software run:
git clone https://github.com/pwalig/SW-space-shooter.git
cd SW-space-shooter
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Project is based on code examples provided by Waveshare.
SW-space-shooter also uses g-turnc/glm mathematics library. Entire glm library is included in this repository. There is no need to install it.
Before running create folder where space-shooter will save top scores:
mkdir /home/space-shooter
Then run the program:
sudo ./space-shooter
Survive as long as you can and shoot as many enemy spaceships as possible.
Be mindful. You have limited ammunition and shield time.
Enemy spaceships spawn radomly around the player and drop powerups when destroyed.
- GREEN: +10 hp
- GREY: +10 ammo
- BLUE: +0.5s of shield time
- YELLOW: +1 to total score
Enemies have base hp of 30.
Player starts with 100 hp, 40 bullets and 1.5s of shield time.
Each bullet deals 10 hp of damage.
Each destroyed enemy adds 1 point to total score.
Enemy spaceships, on contact with the player, deal damage equal to their remaining hp and get destroyed. Enemies destroyed in this way will not count to total score nor will they drop powerups.
Ammunition regenerates automatically (+5 bullets every 10 seconds).
- Left thumbstick Y axis - forwards / backwards movement
- Left thumbstick X axis - roll spaceship
- Right thumbstick - look around
- Left button - shoot
- Right button - use shield
- Hold right thumbstick button - give up and go to main menu
In top left corner there are 3 bars:
- RED - hp
- WHITE - ammo
- BLUE - shield
When right thumbstick button is held white bar at bottom left will appear.