I have finished my Banchelor Degree of Software Engineering at School of Business Information Technology, University of Economics of Ho Chi Minh city. My research of interest are: Computer Vision, Vision Generative Models and Self-supervised Learning frameworks. Alongside those areas, currently I am fond of Graph Neural Nets and AGI.
⚡ Fun facts about me:
I was a student of Phan Châu Trinh highschool in Da Nang city, Viet Nam.
I have learnt programming when I was in grade 8, the programming languages spans in this order: Pascal, C++, C# and Python.
I have not been taught Deep Learning and other ✨ deeper ✨ stuffs about machine learning at my uni, or at research labs (because I didn't join any 😄). I learnt all by myself from second year (it has been 1 year and a half 'til now).
My current work is about Vision Transformer on Segmentation. This research is still being done (with my friend and my mentor), and I will update the repository along with the preprint paper as soon as possible.
I have finished my banchelor thesis in only 12 days (including coding, writing reports,... basically everything).