This project turns a Raspberry Pi with WiFi adapter and attached touchscreen into a WiFi access point. It is based on an idea from the german IT magazine c't. Your guests can easily connect to the WiFi by scanning a QR code. It is regenerated every day to ensure your guests do not have unlimited access. When the device is not requested to show the WiFi QR codes it turns into a digital photo frame that show a slideshow of your favorite photographs.
python sdist bdist_wheel
The following instructions are copied from the Kivy installation guide for Raspberry Pi.
sudo pip install -U Cython==0.28.2
sudo pip install git+
And finally we need to install the guest_wifi_butler
sudo pip install guest_wifi_butler-X.X.X.tar.gz
By default Kivy will not work properly with the Raspberry Pi's touchscreen.
To change that add these lines to ~/.kivy/config.ini
into input section
mouse = mouse
mtdev_%(name)s = probesysfs,provider=mtdev
hid_%(name)s = probesysfs,provider=hidinput
The config is the one of the non-root user e.g. pi
, so in this case it
would be /home/pi/.kivy/config.ini
To force the Raspberry Pi's screen to stay on, adjust LightDM's configuration like this:
sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Add the following line to the [SeatDefaults]
xserver-command=X -s 0 dpms
In order to let bridged IP and ARP packets pass the access point, it is
required to set the following sysctl variables either manually or persistent
in /etc/sysctl.conf
To automatically start the guest wifi butler on Raspian startup create a file ~/.config/autostart/guest_wifi_butler.desktop
with the following content:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Guest WiFi Butler
Exec=sudo butler
Once you reboot Raspian it will show the wifi butler after a few seconds.
Any help for this project will be appreciated. You can contribute through bug reports, ideas for new features or own pull requests. To make sure you did not break anything, you can run the (by far not complete) test suite.
pytest guest_wifi_butler\test
pytest --cov=guest_wifi_butler guest_wifi_butler\test