Companion repository to the talk I gave as part of Chaos Carnival 2021.
The recording is available here.
Automatically deploy your application from the repo
Automatically run your chaos experiments from the repo
Automatically validate your chaos experiments from the repo, and make it easy to share the results.
Deploying your application and chaos experiments shouldn't require infra knowledge. It should be a button or a single script.
If going to Kubernetes, don't force your developers to run a cluster each.
Get realistic data in your development environments. It's hard, don't start here, but do it.
Litmus Chaos - manifest driven, and with a portal. Learn more here.
Civo Cloud - Civo is the easiest way to deploy a remote cluster, and you can do with a single command. Use this link to sign up for their Kube100 program and get a free $70 monthly credit towards your Kubernetes clusters.
Okteto - deploy pre-configured development environments with one click (full disclosure: it's my company). Use this link to sign up and get two months for free.
Demo inspired by