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Installing the library

Oz edited this page Dec 16, 2024 · 2 revisions

The library can be installed as a dependency of your project in a number of different ways:

Using CMake's add_subdirectory

You can directly integrate the library into your CMake project:

  • Either download bit7z's sources to a sub-directory of your project (e.g., third_party), or add this repository as a git submodule of yours.
  • Then, use the command add_subdirectory() in your CMakeLists.txt to include bit7z.
  • Finally, link the bit7z library using the target_link_libraries() command.

For example:

add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/bit7z) # Path to bit7z's repository
# Here you can enable/disable bit7z's build options, e.g.:
# set(BIT7Z_USE_NATIVE_STRING ON CACHE BOOL "enable using native OS strings" FORCE)
target_link_libraries(${YOUR_TARGET} PRIVATE bit7z)

Using CPM.cmake

CPMAddPackage("gh:rikyoz/bit7z@<version>") # Replace <version> with the desired one.
# Here you can enable/disable bit7z's build options, e.g.:
# set(BIT7Z_AUTO_FORMAT ON CACHE BOOL "enable auto format support" FORCE)
target_link_libraries(${YOUR_TARGET} PRIVATE bit7z)

Using vcpkg

First, you need to install the library:

vcpkg install bit7z

Then, you add bit7z as a dependency in your project's CMakeLists.txt:

find_package(unofficial-bit7z CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${YOUR_TARGET} PRIVATE unofficial::bit7z::bit7z64)

Manually linking

If you have built the library manually, you can copy the output library file and bit7z's include folder into the desired subfolders of your project, and then manually link the library and its link-time dependencies into your application, i.e. if your project uses CMake:

target_include_directories(${YOUR_TARGET} PRIVATE "<path-to-bit7z-include-folder>")
find_library(BIT7Z_LIB bit7z HINTS "<path-to-bit7z-lib-folder>")
target_link_libraries(${YOUR_TARGET} PRIVATE ${BIT7Z_LIB}
                      $<$<PLATFORM_ID:WIN32>:oleaut32> # Dependency of bit7z on Windows.
                      $<$<PLATFORM_ID:MINGW>:uuid> # Dependency of bit7z when using MinGW.
                      $<$<PLATFORM_ID:UNIX>:dl>) # Dependency of bit7z on Unix.


As noted in the list of build options, some options modify the public API provided by the library.

If you change any of these options and build and link the library manually, you'll also need to define the option either as a preprocessor flag (e.g., target_compile_definitions(${YOUR_TARGET} PRIVATE BIT7Z_<OPTION_NAME>) in CMake) or by uncommenting the corresponding #define in the include/bit7z/bitdefines.hpp header).


When manually linking bit7z, ensure that your program links with its platform-specific dependencies:

  • Windows: link your program with oleaut32 (e.g., -lbit7z -loleaut32).
    • MinGW: link your program also with libuuid (e.g. -lbit7z -loleaut32 -luuid).
  • Linux and macOS: link your program with dl (e.g., -lbit7z -ldl).

When using CMake's add_subdirectory, CPM.cmake, or vcpkg, these dependencies are automatically linked to your target.

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