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Build tree

Build tree #95

name: "Build tree"
- cron: 0 0 * * *
- master
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
id-token: "write"
contents: "write"
os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-14, ubuntu-24.04-arm]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@main
- uses: DeterminateSystems/magic-nix-cache-action@main
- name: Check tree health
run: nix-build --max-jobs 1 --cores 2 health.nix
#- name: Test tidyverse
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"tidyverse\", glimpse(mtcars))'"
#- name: Test arrow
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"arrow\", { write_feather(mtcars, \"mtcars.feather\"); read_feather(\"mtcars.feather\") })'"
#- name: Test duckdb
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"duckdb\", { con <- dbConnect(duckdb()); dbWriteTable(con, \"mtcars\", mtcars); dbDisconnect(con) })'"
#- name: Test collapse
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"collapse\", fmean(mtcars$mpg))'"
#- name: Test kit
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"kit\", countNA(mtcars))'"
#- name: Test icosa
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"icosa\", { grid <- trigrid(5); print(grid) })'"
#- name: Test sf
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"sf\", { nc <- st_read(system.file(\"shape/nc.shp\", package=\"sf\")); st_bbox(nc) })'"
#- name: Test terra
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"terra\", { r <- rast(system.file(\"ex/logo.tif\", package=\"terra\")); summary(r) })'"
#- name: Test stars
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"stars\", { s <- read_stars(system.file(\"tif/L7_ETMs.tif\", package=\"stars\")); print(s) })'"
##- name: Test Rcpp
## run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"Rcpp\", { cppFunction(\"int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; }\"); add(1, 2) })'"
#- name: Test data.table
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"data.table\", { dt <-; dt[, .(mean_mpg = mean(mpg))] })'"
#- name: Test stringi
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"stringi\", stri_length(\"test\"))'"
#- name: Test jsonlite
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"jsonlite\", toJSON(mtcars))'"
#- name: Test devtools
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"devtools\", dev_sitrep())'"
#- name: Test curl
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"curl\", { h <- curl::new_handle(); curl::handle_setopt(h, url = \"\"); curl::curl_fetch_memory(\"\", h) })'"
#- name: Test openssl
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"openssl\", sha256(\"test\"))'"
#- name: Test ragg
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"ragg\", { agg_png(\"test_plot.png\"); plot(1:10); })'"
#- name: Test shiny
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"shiny\", cat(\"Shiny package loaded. Run `runExample()` to see examples.\\n\"))'"
#- name: Test dbplyr
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"dbplyr\", tbl_lazy(mtcars))'"
#- name: Test RcppEigen
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"RcppEigen\", { fastLm( log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), data=trees) })'"
#- name: Test nloptr
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"nloptr\", { res <- nloptr(x0 = 1, eval_f = function(x) x^3, eval_grad_f = function(x) 2*x^2, lb = -5, ub = 5, opts = list(\"algorithm\"=\"NLOPT_LD_LBFGS\", \"maxeval\"=10)); res$solution })'"
#- name: Test igraph
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"igraph\", { g <- make_ring(10); plot(g) })'"
#- name: Test rJava
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"rJava\", .jinit())'"
#- name: Test RCurl
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"RCurl\", getURL(\"\"))'"
#- name: Test RSQLite
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"RSQLite\", { con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), \":memory:\"); dbWriteTable(con, \"mtcars\", mtcars); dbDisconnect(con) })'"
#- name: Test rstan
# run: nix-shell health.nix --run "Rscript -e 'withr::with_package(\"rstan\", cat(\"rstan package loaded.\\n\"))'"