This repo contains code accompanying the publication Amino Acid Composition drives Peptide Aggregation: Predicting Aggregation for Improved Synthesis, including scripts to reproduce all results.
This project utilises poetry as package manager. Install the package run:
poetry install
To create the dataset used to train models, use the following script:
poetry run create_combined_data --uzh_dataset_path <Path to UZH dataset> --mit_dataset_path <Path to MIT dataset> --save_path data/combined_data.csv
For this both the UZH and MIT dataset are required. For the UZH dataset download the file uzh_data_clean.csv
from the Zenodo record corresponding to this publication. The MIT dataset can be found in the corresponding GitHub repo here.
We provide a set of scripts to replicate the results obtained in the paper. All scripts require a path to where the results of the experiments are saved. The HuggingFace models require GPUs to train:
bash scripts/ <Path to Experiment Folder>
bash scripts/ <Path to Experiment Folder>
bash scripts/ <Path to Experiment Folder>
bash scripts/ <Path to Experiment Folder>
To explain the predictions of the models we use Shap values. To reproduce our results use the following scripts:
poetry run explain_model --data_path data/combined_data.csv --output_path <Path where results should be stored>