An Ansible role that creates a Docker strategy build and deployment.
Currently the role consumes Apache image
from a public or private registry. It creates a namespace, service, route an an image from a BuildConfig. When the app is deployed the playbook queries the route to confirm a successful deployment.
The goal is to demonstrate the ability of a successful build & deployment on OpenShiftv4.
Covered by depedencies.
apache_image: ''
internal_image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/conformance-{{random_number}}/conformance-img:latest"
dns_zone: ''
ocp_domain: 'ocp4'
To deploy using pip
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
If you're using RHEL 7 enable rhel-7-server-ose-4.5-rpms
and yum install python2-openshift
For RHEL 8 you'll need to enable the EPEL repository to install yum install python3-openshift
Ansible role can be run as follows:
ansible-playbook -vvv -pb_role_conformance_test.yaml
- hosts: helper
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- role: role_conformance_test