This is a project that I started to develop, the principal goal to reach is to build an AI interface by using a bot character created in unity to emulate an AI behavior. In other words, this is an interface of an AI API (probably chat gpt), emulating a waifubot.
You can download the Beta version 0.1.5 here Lora-chan version 0.1.5
To set an API key to Lora chan you must follow next steps
You need to create an account in And subscribe to the API (don't worry, it has a free pack, 10 requests per day): ChatBotApi
To request or ask questions to Lora Chan you will need to save your API key into she's files, but don't worry, you can do that inside the app
Click this button, and it'll open a modal with an input text box:
Paste your API key into the input text box, then click add api key, and your api key will be saved into Lora chan Files. You can edit it in the same way:
You can add N commands you want, but be sure about the correct name was written or Lora Chan won't open it
Click this button to open a modal with a list and an space with an input text box, write ONLY the name of the app you want to open:
Lora Chan can listens to you, but the way to do it is strict, if you want to Lora chan opens any app for you, you need to say the default command "Abre" + [your name application], if you want to ask or request something to Lora Chan, you gonna need to say "Lora Chan", she will be in animation like she´s listening to you after that, you must say whatever you want to ask or request, once you finish talking, Lora chan will wait approximately 1 or 2 seconds to stops to listening you and will think the answer for you, once the answer or response is already finished, Lora chan will open a text file with the response and she will red it for you