It is a python api client for Passbolt.
- This project is a community driven project that is not associated with Passbolt S.A.
- Passbolt and the Passbolt logo are registered trademarks of Passbolt S.A.
$pip install passbolt-python-api
- Python >= 3.6
- GPG (also known as GnuPG) software
Create a config file with the following contents.
SERVER = http://<server_ip or domain>
SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE = <optional: server_public.asc>
USER_FINGERPRINT = <user_fingerprint>
USER_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE = <optional: passbolt_public.asc>
USER_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = <optional: passbolt_private.asc>
PASSPHRASE = <passbolt_password>
SERVER_CERT_AUTH_KEY= <optional: client.pem>
SERVER_CERT_AUTH_CRT= <optional: client.crt>
Or as a dictionary
config = {
"SERVER": "http://<server_ip or domain>"
....(same as above)
The first step will be to import the private and public keys using gpg for encryption.
Note: Do not keep private and public files. Rather just import them using gpg command one time and delete those files.
To import new keys using Python:
>>>import passboltapi
>>>passbolt = passboltapi.PassboltAPI(config_path="config.ini", new_keys=True)
To delete old keys and import only the new ones.
>>>import passboltapi
>>>passbolt = passboltapi.PassboltAPI(config_path="config.ini", new_keys=True, delete_old_keys=True)
To use with client certificate authentication use SERVER_CERT_AUTH_CRT
(pem) in config file and:
>>>import passboltapi
>>>passbolt = passboltapi.PassboltAPI(config_path="config.ini", cert_auth=True)
Import new keys:
$gpg --import public.asc
$gpg --batch --import private.asc
Deleting existing keys:
$gpg --delete-secret-keys <fingerprint>
$gpg --delete-key <fingerprint>
>>>import passboltapi
>>>passbolt = passboltapi.PassboltAPI(config_path="config.ini")
# Or pass the configuration settings as a dict
>>>passbolt = passboltapi.PassboltAPI(config=<dictionary as the given example config.ini>)
# Now you may do any get, post, put and delete request.
>>>r = passbolt.get(url="/resources.json?api-version=v2")
>>>r = + url, json=data)
# One can also use it as context manager
>>>with passboltapi.PassboltAPI(config_path="config.ini") as passbolt:
# One needs to periodically import the public keys from the passbolt server to their local gpg
To get all resources
resources = {record.username: record for record in passbolt.list_resources(folder_id=folder_id)}
To create new resource (optional: folder)
response = passbolt.create_resource(
uri=uri, # optional
description=description, # optional
folder_id=passbolt_folder_id # optional
# Note: if you add folder_id, you need to have the public keys of all the users who have access to the foler.
# This can be easily achieved as follows:
To move resource to folder
passbolt.move_resource_to_folder(resource_id, folder_id)
Check for an example.
If new keys needs to be imported, then USER_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE and USER_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE settings should be in the config ini having the path of the public and private keys file respectively.
For more API related questions, visit Passbolt API documentation: