Please ensure you've installed stow
on your system.
brew install stow
sudo pacman -S stow
sudo apt-get install stow
To install just these dotfiles (or your custom fork):
git clone<USERNAME>/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
install_osx # or install_linux
I'm been inspired the great work of these people. My sincere thanks to:
- Eric Schull, for pointing out the simplicity of using stow to manage dotfiles.
- James Tomasino, for his continuous tinkering on his awesome dotfiles and binfiles.
- Daniel Jaouen, for re-kindling my Ansible + OS X dream with this blog post. My playbooks are still just forks of his.
- Jeff Geerling, who not only has a very interesting Mac dev playbook of his own, but also has a very thorough resource on how to get a Mac OS X Virtualbox VM up and running (testing this stuff out on a fresh snapshot is so critical!).
- Mathias Bynens, for his painstakingly curated collection of OS X preferences.
- Zach Holman, for the initial inspiration to start my own dotfiles repo.
- Ryan Tomayko, for various useful utility scripts.
- Add more stuff, be smarter, etc.