What's new?
make context path configurable in properties file (no more only "/steve")
add "transaction details" page which lists intermediate meter values (in the table, click on the transacion id)
enable to query/filter charge points by chargebox id
add ability to load external properties files. no more just the file in jar bundle, it can be also on your local drive. this should be helpful when upgrading your steve installation, because you don't have to make changes in the downloaded file every time. make the changes once in your external file and keep it, point steve to it when running by setting "" system property. for example:
# java -jar steve-X.X.X.jar
fix: ajax calls for connector/transaction/reservation ids
fix: ocpp callbacks were not triggered for ws/json
update endpoint address of charging station in background thread
make data tables sortable by columns
fix: notification about ws charging station connect/disconnect