Vite: Remove module-graph scanner #4255
10 errors
vite/index.test.ts > postcss > dev mode:
AssertionError: expected '\n/*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT Licens…' not to contain '.font-bold'
- Expected
+ Received
- .font-bold
+ /*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT License | */
+ .flex {
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ .font-bold {
+ --tw-font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ }
+ .underline {
+ text-decoration-line: underline;
+ }
+ .content-\[\'project-b\/src\/index\.js\'\] {
+ --tw-content: 'project-b/src/index.js';
+ content: var(--tw-content);
+ }
+ @Property --tw-font-weight {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false;
+ }
+ @Property --tw-content {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false;
+ initial-value: "";
+ }
❯ vite/index.test.ts:183:28
❯ Module.retryAssertion utils.ts:533:14
❯ vite/index.test.ts:179:7
❯ utils.ts:433:14
vite/index.test.ts > postcss > dev mode:
AssertionError: expected '\n/*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT Licens…' not to contain '.font-bold'
- Expected
+ Received
- .font-bold
+ /*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT License | */
+ .flex {
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ .font-bold {
+ --tw-font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ }
+ .underline {
+ text-decoration-line: underline;
+ }
+ .content-\[\'project-b\/src\/index\.js\'\] {
+ --tw-content: 'project-b/src/index.js';
+ content: var(--tw-content);
+ }
+ @Property --tw-font-weight {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false;
+ }
+ @Property --tw-content {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false;
+ initial-value: "";
+ }
❯ vite/index.test.ts:183:28
❯ Module.retryAssertion utils.ts:533:14
❯ vite/index.test.ts:179:7
❯ utils.ts:433:14
vite/index.test.ts > postcss > dev mode:
AssertionError: expected '\n/*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT Licens…' not to contain '.font-bold'
- Expected
+ Received
- .font-bold
+ /*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT License | */
+ .flex {
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ .font-bold {
+ --tw-font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ }
+ .underline {
+ text-decoration-line: underline;
+ }
+ .content-\[\'project-b\/src\/index\.js\'\] {
+ --tw-content: 'project-b/src/index.js';
+ content: var(--tw-content);
+ }
+ @Property --tw-font-weight {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false;
+ }
+ @Property --tw-content {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false;
+ initial-value: "";
+ }
❯ vite/index.test.ts:183:28
❯ Module.retryAssertion utils.ts:533:14
❯ vite/index.test.ts:179:7
❯ utils.ts:433:14
vite/index.test.ts > lightningcss > dev mode:
AssertionError: expected '\n/*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT Licens…' not to contain '.font-bold'
- Expected
+ Received
- .font-bold
+ /*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT License | */
+ .flex {
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ .font-bold {
+ --tw-font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ }
+ .underline {
+ text-decoration-line: underline;
+ }
+ .content-\[\'project-b\/src\/index\.js\'\] {
+ --tw-content: "project-b/src/index.js";
+ content: var(--tw-content);
+ }
+ @Property --tw-font-weight {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false
+ }
+ @Property --tw-content {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false;
+ initial-value: "";
+ }
❯ vite/index.test.ts:183:28
❯ Module.retryAssertion utils.ts:533:14
❯ vite/index.test.ts:179:7
❯ utils.ts:433:14
vite/index.test.ts > lightningcss > dev mode:
AssertionError: expected '\n/*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT Licens…' not to contain '.font-bold'
- Expected
+ Received
- .font-bold
+ /*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT License | */
+ .flex {
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ .font-bold {
+ --tw-font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ }
+ .underline {
+ text-decoration-line: underline;
+ }
+ .content-\[\'project-b\/src\/index\.js\'\] {
+ --tw-content: "project-b/src/index.js";
+ content: var(--tw-content);
+ }
+ @Property --tw-font-weight {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false
+ }
+ @Property --tw-content {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false;
+ initial-value: "";
+ }
❯ vite/index.test.ts:183:28
❯ Module.retryAssertion utils.ts:533:14
❯ vite/index.test.ts:179:7
❯ utils.ts:433:14
vite/index.test.ts > lightningcss > dev mode:
AssertionError: expected '\n/*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT Licens…' not to contain '.font-bold'
- Expected
+ Received
- .font-bold
+ /*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT License | */
+ .flex {
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ .font-bold {
+ --tw-font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
+ }
+ .underline {
+ text-decoration-line: underline;
+ }
+ .content-\[\'project-b\/src\/index\.js\'\] {
+ --tw-content: "project-b/src/index.js";
+ content: var(--tw-content);
+ }
+ @Property --tw-font-weight {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false
+ }
+ @Property --tw-content {
+ syntax: "*";
+ inherits: false;
+ initial-value: "";
+ }
❯ vite/index.test.ts:183:28
❯ Module.retryAssertion utils.ts:533:14
❯ vite/index.test.ts:179:7
❯ utils.ts:433:14
vite/index.test.ts > demote Tailwind roots to regular CSS files and back to Tailwind roots while restoring all candidates:
AssertionError: expected '\n/*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT Licens…' not to contain '.font-bold'
- Expected
+ Received
- .font-bold
+ /*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT License | */
+ @layer theme, base, components, utilities;
+ @layer theme {
+ :root, :host {
+ --font-sans: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol',
+ 'Noto Color Emoji';
+ --font-serif: ui-serif, Georgia, Cambria, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;
+ --font-mono: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New',
+ monospace;
+ --color-red-50: oklch(0.971 0.013 17.38);
+ --color-red-100: oklch(0.936 0.032 17.717);
+ --color-red-200: oklch(0.885 0.062 18.334);
+ --color-red-300: oklch(0.808 0.114 19.571);
+ --color-red-400: oklch(0.704 0.191 22.216);
+ --color-red-500: oklch(0.637 0.237 25.331);
+ --color-red-600: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
+ --color-red-700: oklch(0.505 0.213 27.518);
+ --color-red-800: oklch(0.444 0.177 26.899);
+ --color-red-900: oklch(0.396 0.141 25.723);
+ --color-red-950: oklch(0.258 0.092 26.042);
+ --color-orange-50: oklch(0.98 0.016 73.684);
+ --color-orange-100: oklch(0.954 0.038 75.164);
+ --color-orange-200: oklch(0.901 0.076 70.697);
+ --color-orange-300: oklch(0.837 0.128 66.29);
+ --color-orange-400: oklch(0.75 0.183 55.934);
+ --color-orange-500: oklch(0.705 0.213 47.604);
+ --color-orange-600: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116);
+ --color-orange-700: oklch(0.553 0.195 38.402);
+ --color-orange-800: oklch(0.47 0.157 37.304);
+ --color-orange-900: oklch(0.408 0.123 38.172);
+ --color-orange-950: oklch(0.266 0.079 36.259);
+ --color-amber-50: oklch(0.987 0.022 95.277);
+ --color-amber-100: oklch(0.962 0.059 95.617);
+ --color-amber-200: oklch(0.924 0.12 95.746);
+ --color-amber-300: oklch(0.879 0.169 91.605);
+ --color-amber-400: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429);
+ --color-amber-500: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
+ --color-amber-600: oklch(0.666 0.179 58.318);
+ --color-amber-700: oklch(0.555 0.163 48.998);
+ --color-amber-800: oklch(0.473 0.137 46.201);
+ --color-amber-900: oklch(0.414 0.112 45.904);
+ --color-amber-950: oklch(0.279 0.077 45.635);
+ --color-yellow-50: oklch(0.987 0.026 102.212);
+ --color-yellow-100: oklch(0.973 0.071 103.193);
+ --color-yellow-200: oklch(0.945 0.129 101.54);
+ --color-yellow-300: oklch(0.905 0.182 98.111);
+ --color-yellow-400: oklch(0.852 0.199 91.936);
+ --color-yellow-500: oklch(0.795 0.184 86.047);
+ --color-yellow-600: oklch(0.681 0.162 75.834);
+ --color-yellow-700: oklch(0.554 0.135 66.442);
+ --color-yellow-800: oklch(0.476 0.114 61.907);
+ --color-yellow-900: oklch(0.421 0.095 57.708);
+ --color-yellow-950: oklch(0.286 0.066 53.813);
+ --color-lime-50: oklch(0.986 0.031 120.757);
+ --color-lime-100: oklch(0.967 0.067 122.328);
+ --color-lime-200: oklch(0.938 0.127 124.321);
+ --color-lime-300: oklch(0.897 0.196 126.665);
+ --color-lime-400: oklch(0.841 0.238 128.85);
+ --color-lime-500: oklch(0.768 0.233 130.85);
+ --color-lime-600: oklch(0.648 0.2 131.684);
+ --color-lime-700: oklch(0.532 0.157 131.589);
+ --color-lime-800: oklch(0.453 0.124 130.933);
+ --color-lime-900: oklch(0.405 0.101 131.063);
+ --color-lime-950: oklch(0.274 0.072 132.109);
+ --color-green-50: oklch(0.982 0.018 155.826);
+ --color-green-100: oklch(0.962 0.044 156.743);
+ --color-green-200: oklch(0.925 0.084 155.995);
+ --color-green-300: oklch(0.871 0.15 154.449);
+ --color-green-400: oklch(0.792 0.209 151.711);
+ --color-green-500: oklch(0.723 0.219 149.579);
+ --color-green-600: oklch(0.627 0.194 149.214);
+ --color-green-700: oklch(0.527 0.154 150.069);
+ --color-green-800: oklch(0.448 0.119 151.328);
+ --color-green-900: oklch(0.393 0.095 152.535);
+ --color-green-950: oklch(0.266 0.065 152.934);
+ --color-emerald-50: oklch(0.979 0.
vite/index.test.ts > demote Tailwind roots to regular CSS files and back to Tailwind roots while restoring all candidates:
AssertionError: expected '\n/*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT Licens…' not to contain '.font-bold'
- Expected
+ Received
- .font-bold
+ /*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT License | */
+ @layer theme, base, components, utilities;
+ @layer theme {
+ :root, :host {
+ --font-sans: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol',
+ 'Noto Color Emoji';
+ --font-serif: ui-serif, Georgia, Cambria, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;
+ --font-mono: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New',
+ monospace;
+ --color-red-50: oklch(0.971 0.013 17.38);
+ --color-red-100: oklch(0.936 0.032 17.717);
+ --color-red-200: oklch(0.885 0.062 18.334);
+ --color-red-300: oklch(0.808 0.114 19.571);
+ --color-red-400: oklch(0.704 0.191 22.216);
+ --color-red-500: oklch(0.637 0.237 25.331);
+ --color-red-600: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
+ --color-red-700: oklch(0.505 0.213 27.518);
+ --color-red-800: oklch(0.444 0.177 26.899);
+ --color-red-900: oklch(0.396 0.141 25.723);
+ --color-red-950: oklch(0.258 0.092 26.042);
+ --color-orange-50: oklch(0.98 0.016 73.684);
+ --color-orange-100: oklch(0.954 0.038 75.164);
+ --color-orange-200: oklch(0.901 0.076 70.697);
+ --color-orange-300: oklch(0.837 0.128 66.29);
+ --color-orange-400: oklch(0.75 0.183 55.934);
+ --color-orange-500: oklch(0.705 0.213 47.604);
+ --color-orange-600: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116);
+ --color-orange-700: oklch(0.553 0.195 38.402);
+ --color-orange-800: oklch(0.47 0.157 37.304);
+ --color-orange-900: oklch(0.408 0.123 38.172);
+ --color-orange-950: oklch(0.266 0.079 36.259);
+ --color-amber-50: oklch(0.987 0.022 95.277);
+ --color-amber-100: oklch(0.962 0.059 95.617);
+ --color-amber-200: oklch(0.924 0.12 95.746);
+ --color-amber-300: oklch(0.879 0.169 91.605);
+ --color-amber-400: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429);
+ --color-amber-500: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
+ --color-amber-600: oklch(0.666 0.179 58.318);
+ --color-amber-700: oklch(0.555 0.163 48.998);
+ --color-amber-800: oklch(0.473 0.137 46.201);
+ --color-amber-900: oklch(0.414 0.112 45.904);
+ --color-amber-950: oklch(0.279 0.077 45.635);
+ --color-yellow-50: oklch(0.987 0.026 102.212);
+ --color-yellow-100: oklch(0.973 0.071 103.193);
+ --color-yellow-200: oklch(0.945 0.129 101.54);
+ --color-yellow-300: oklch(0.905 0.182 98.111);
+ --color-yellow-400: oklch(0.852 0.199 91.936);
+ --color-yellow-500: oklch(0.795 0.184 86.047);
+ --color-yellow-600: oklch(0.681 0.162 75.834);
+ --color-yellow-700: oklch(0.554 0.135 66.442);
+ --color-yellow-800: oklch(0.476 0.114 61.907);
+ --color-yellow-900: oklch(0.421 0.095 57.708);
+ --color-yellow-950: oklch(0.286 0.066 53.813);
+ --color-lime-50: oklch(0.986 0.031 120.757);
+ --color-lime-100: oklch(0.967 0.067 122.328);
+ --color-lime-200: oklch(0.938 0.127 124.321);
+ --color-lime-300: oklch(0.897 0.196 126.665);
+ --color-lime-400: oklch(0.841 0.238 128.85);
+ --color-lime-500: oklch(0.768 0.233 130.85);
+ --color-lime-600: oklch(0.648 0.2 131.684);
+ --color-lime-700: oklch(0.532 0.157 131.589);
+ --color-lime-800: oklch(0.453 0.124 130.933);
+ --color-lime-900: oklch(0.405 0.101 131.063);
+ --color-lime-950: oklch(0.274 0.072 132.109);
+ --color-green-50: oklch(0.982 0.018 155.826);
+ --color-green-100: oklch(0.962 0.044 156.743);
+ --color-green-200: oklch(0.925 0.084 155.995);
+ --color-green-300: oklch(0.871 0.15 154.449);
+ --color-green-400: oklch(0.792 0.209 151.711);
+ --color-green-500: oklch(0.723 0.219 149.579);
+ --color-green-600: oklch(0.627 0.194 149.214);
+ --color-green-700: oklch(0.527 0.154 150.069);
+ --color-green-800: oklch(0.448 0.119 151.328);
+ --color-green-900: oklch(0.393 0.095 152.535);
+ --color-green-950: oklch(0.266 0.065 152.934);
+ --color-emerald-50: oklch(0.979 0.
vite/index.test.ts > demote Tailwind roots to regular CSS files and back to Tailwind roots while restoring all candidates:
AssertionError: expected '\n/*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT Licens…' not to contain '.font-bold'
- Expected
+ Received
- .font-bold
+ /*! tailwindcss v4.0.6 | MIT License | */
+ @layer theme, base, components, utilities;
+ @layer theme {
+ :root, :host {
+ --font-sans: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol',
+ 'Noto Color Emoji';
+ --font-serif: ui-serif, Georgia, Cambria, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;
+ --font-mono: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New',
+ monospace;
+ --color-red-50: oklch(0.971 0.013 17.38);
+ --color-red-100: oklch(0.936 0.032 17.717);
+ --color-red-200: oklch(0.885 0.062 18.334);
+ --color-red-300: oklch(0.808 0.114 19.571);
+ --color-red-400: oklch(0.704 0.191 22.216);
+ --color-red-500: oklch(0.637 0.237 25.331);
+ --color-red-600: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
+ --color-red-700: oklch(0.505 0.213 27.518);
+ --color-red-800: oklch(0.444 0.177 26.899);
+ --color-red-900: oklch(0.396 0.141 25.723);
+ --color-red-950: oklch(0.258 0.092 26.042);
+ --color-orange-50: oklch(0.98 0.016 73.684);
+ --color-orange-100: oklch(0.954 0.038 75.164);
+ --color-orange-200: oklch(0.901 0.076 70.697);
+ --color-orange-300: oklch(0.837 0.128 66.29);
+ --color-orange-400: oklch(0.75 0.183 55.934);
+ --color-orange-500: oklch(0.705 0.213 47.604);
+ --color-orange-600: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116);
+ --color-orange-700: oklch(0.553 0.195 38.402);
+ --color-orange-800: oklch(0.47 0.157 37.304);
+ --color-orange-900: oklch(0.408 0.123 38.172);
+ --color-orange-950: oklch(0.266 0.079 36.259);
+ --color-amber-50: oklch(0.987 0.022 95.277);
+ --color-amber-100: oklch(0.962 0.059 95.617);
+ --color-amber-200: oklch(0.924 0.12 95.746);
+ --color-amber-300: oklch(0.879 0.169 91.605);
+ --color-amber-400: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429);
+ --color-amber-500: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
+ --color-amber-600: oklch(0.666 0.179 58.318);
+ --color-amber-700: oklch(0.555 0.163 48.998);
+ --color-amber-800: oklch(0.473 0.137 46.201);
+ --color-amber-900: oklch(0.414 0.112 45.904);
+ --color-amber-950: oklch(0.279 0.077 45.635);
+ --color-yellow-50: oklch(0.987 0.026 102.212);
+ --color-yellow-100: oklch(0.973 0.071 103.193);
+ --color-yellow-200: oklch(0.945 0.129 101.54);
+ --color-yellow-300: oklch(0.905 0.182 98.111);
+ --color-yellow-400: oklch(0.852 0.199 91.936);
+ --color-yellow-500: oklch(0.795 0.184 86.047);
+ --color-yellow-600: oklch(0.681 0.162 75.834);
+ --color-yellow-700: oklch(0.554 0.135 66.442);
+ --color-yellow-800: oklch(0.476 0.114 61.907);
+ --color-yellow-900: oklch(0.421 0.095 57.708);
+ --color-yellow-950: oklch(0.286 0.066 53.813);
+ --color-lime-50: oklch(0.986 0.031 120.757);
+ --color-lime-100: oklch(0.967 0.067 122.328);
+ --color-lime-200: oklch(0.938 0.127 124.321);
+ --color-lime-300: oklch(0.897 0.196 126.665);
+ --color-lime-400: oklch(0.841 0.238 128.85);
+ --color-lime-500: oklch(0.768 0.233 130.85);
+ --color-lime-600: oklch(0.648 0.2 131.684);
+ --color-lime-700: oklch(0.532 0.157 131.589);
+ --color-lime-800: oklch(0.453 0.124 130.933);
+ --color-lime-900: oklch(0.405 0.101 131.063);
+ --color-lime-950: oklch(0.274 0.072 132.109);
+ --color-green-50: oklch(0.982 0.018 155.826);
+ --color-green-100: oklch(0.962 0.044 156.743);
+ --color-green-200: oklch(0.925 0.084 155.995);
+ --color-green-300: oklch(0.871 0.15 154.449);
+ --color-green-400: oklch(0.792 0.209 151.711);
+ --color-green-500: oklch(0.723 0.219 149.579);
+ --color-green-600: oklch(0.627 0.194 149.214);
+ --color-green-700: oklch(0.527 0.154 150.069);
+ --color-green-800: oklch(0.448 0.119 151.328);
+ --color-green-900: oklch(0.393 0.095 152.535);
+ --color-green-950: oklch(0.266 0.065 152.934);
+ --color-emerald-50: oklch(0.979 0.
Linux / vite
Process completed with exit code 1.