Dockerfile to build linux-based generic development environments
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- category Docker
- author Nicola Asuni [email protected]
- copyright 2016-2025 Nicola Asuni - LTD
- license MIT (see LICENSE)
- link
- docker
Source configuration files to build Docker images with different development environment.
The generated Docker images are available at
This script requires Docker ( To install Docker in a debian or Ubuntu OS:
sudo apt-get install docker
Add your user to the "docker" group:
sudo groupadd docker
sudo gpasswd -a <YOURUSER> docker
sudo service docker restart
This project include a Makefile that allows you to automate common operations. To see all available options:
make help
To build an image:
make build DIMG=<IMAGE_DIR>
To log into the newly created container:
docker run -t -i tecnickcom/alldev /bin/bash
To get the container ID:
CONTAINER_ID=`docker ps -a | grep tecnickcom/alldev | cut -c1-12`
To delete the newly created docker container:
docker rm -f $CONTAINER_ID
To delete the docker image:
docker rmi -f tecnickcom/alldev
To delete all containers
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
To delete all images
docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
To run Docker in docker in with the provided gocd-agent images, the docker socket must be mounted:
and the container must run in privileged mode.
- Nicola Asuni [email protected]