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📄 Originally forked from markdumay/synology-docker

An Unofficial Script to Update or Restore Docker Engine and Docker Compose on Synology NAS


⚠️ The repository 'Synology-Docker' is not supported by Synology and can potentially lead to malfunctioning of your NAS. Use this script at your own risk. Please keep a backup of your files.
⚠️ If you're using the Nvidia driver on your synology, you may need to re-start the Nvidia driver, or re-run nvidia-ctk runtime configure to re-add the nvidia runtime after each run of this script in order for the driver to get re-added to docker.
❗ Portainer Users - Portainer currently has an issue where it persists the first-used logging driver alongside container definitions. You will have to completely recreate (or duplicate and edit) containers created in portainer to use the local log driver. It would be best to do that with all of your containers BEFORE running this update. Portainer has created some challenges for users migrating from one log driver to another. It also has created problems with networks and port definitions not translating... You will have to spend way more time re-creating and troubleshooting containers after this update if you're trying to use portainer. So... if you're using portainer and you use this update... you have been warned... change the container loggers FIRST and validate they've all been changed by using the ./ script.

Synology is a popular manufacturer of Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices that supports Docker on selected [models]

synology_docker is a POSIX-compliant shell script designed to update Docker Engine and Docker Compose on your NAS to the latest or a specified version.

Getting this script on your NAS

Deployment of Synology-Docker is a matter of cloning the GitHub repository. Login to your NAS terminal via SSH first. Assuming you are in the working folder of your choice (assume /volume1/homes/admin), clone the repository files. Git automatically creates a new folder synology-docker and copies the files to this directory. Once the repo has been cloned, change your current folder to the location of the script. (cd synology-docker) before running the script.

git clone
cd synology-docker

Recommended Update Steps for "First Time" upgrade

❗ Please Note: recommended update method has changed... I've attempted to lay out new instructions to make this smoother. Deal with loggers for containers FIRST and your life will be so much easier :)

To ensure a smooth update, it is highly recommended to follow these steps in order:

  1. Update the logger to replace Synology's default log driver (db) with the local log driver. Running this step before anything else will make for a much smoother transition.

    sudo ./ logger

    This script will update the dockerd.json file and will make the local logger default. It will then restart docker on your synology. After restarting (all containers should come back up) you can identify which containers are using the db log driver by running:


    This will give output similar to the following:

    Container            Compose_Location                                       Logger
    -------------------  ------------------------------------------------------ -------
    /jetbrains_postgres  !---not_managed_by_compose---!                         local
    /transmission        /volume1/docker/downloaderstack_vpn/docker-compose.yml db
    /dozzle              /volume1/docker/dozzle/docker-compose.yml              db
    /flaresolverr        /volume1/docker/flaresolverr/docker-compose.yml        db
    /inadyn              /volume1/docker/inadyn/docker-compose.yml              db
    /iPerf3              /volume1/docker/iPerf/docker-compose.yml               db
    /jellyfin            /volume1/docker/jellyfin/docker-compose.yml            db
  2. Recreate Containers one by one until they all show that they're using the local Logger:

    • For each docker-compose managed container using the db log driver, recreate it with:
      cd /volume1/docker/dozzle/  # change to the location of the compose project shown
      docker-compose up -d --force-recreate

    Any portainer managed containers here or containers managed any other way, you will need to understand how to recreate those so that they use the local logger. Proceeding beyond this point with containers still showing as using the db logger will result in failures to start container after the update.

    • You can run ./ as many times as you need to, to see which containers still need to switch to the local logger.
    • If the containers were created with a docker run command, this script will provide a suggestion about how to recreate that container after a docker container rm - however, this is a 'best guess' and may not be 100% accurate.
  3. Once all containers now use local logger, run the update script to update Docker and Docker Compose to the latest version.

    sudo ./ update
  4. If all containers were switched to the local logger before the update is complete, all containers should spin up as part of the update script.

Updating AFTER the first time

Once you've successfully updated your docker version with this script, subsequent updates - to continue updating to newer docker versions - are very simple.

cd synology-docker
git pull
sudo ./ update

The biggest 'hump' is the initial shift to the local loggers. After the first successful update, each update beyond that is very simple. The above commands will update to the latest version of docker if one is available, and will restart docker once the update is complete.


Synology-Docker requires sudo rights. Use the following command to invoke Synology-Docker from the command line.



Synology-Docker supports the following commands.

Command Argument Description
backup Create a backup of Docker binaries (including Docker Compose), dockerd configuration, and Synology's start-stop-status script
download PATH Download Docker and Docker Compose binaries to PATH
install PATH Update Docker and Docker Compose from files on PATH
restore Restore Docker and Docker Compose from a backup
logger Update ONLY the logging-driver. This is a good first step to remove the dependency on the synology logger
update Update Docker and Docker Compose to a target version (creates a backup first)

Under the hood, the six different commands invoke a specific workflow or sequence of steps. The below table shows the workflows and the order of steps for each of the commands.

# Workflow step backup download install restore logger update
A) Download Docker binary Step 1 Step 1
B) Download Compose binary Step 2 Step 2
C) Extract files from backup Step 1
D) Stop Docker daemon Step 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 3
E) Backup current files Step 2 Step 2 Step 2 Step 4
F) Extract downloaded binaries Step 3 Step 5
G) Restore Docker binaries Step 3
H) Install Docker binaries Step 4 Step 6
I) Update log driver Step 5 Step 3 Step 7
J) Restore log driver Step 4
K) Update Docker script Step 5 Step 8
L) Restore Docker script Step 5
M) Start Docker daemon Step 3 Step 6 Step 6 Step 4 Step 9
N) Clean temp folder Step 10
  • A) Download Docker binary - Downloads an archive containing Docker Engine binaries from${VERSION}.tgz. The binaries are compatible with the Intel x86 (64 bit) architecture. Unless a specific version is specified by the --docker flag, Synology-Docker pulls the latest stable version available.
  • B) Download Compose binary - Downloads the Docker Compose binary from${VERSION}/docker-compose-Linux-x86_64. Unless a specific version is specified by the --compose flag, Synology-Docker pulls the latest stable version available.
  • C) Extract files from backup - Extracts the files from a backup archive specified by the --backup flag to the temp directory (/tmp/docker_update).
  • D) Stop Docker daemon - Stops the Docker daemon by invoking synoservicectl --stop pkgctl-Docker.
  • E) Backup current files - Creates a backup of the current Docker binaries, including Docker Compose. The configuration of the logging driver and Synology's start-stop-status script are included in the archive too. The files included refer to /var/packages/Docker/target/usr/bin/*, /var/packages/Docker/etc/dockerd.json, and /var/packages/Docker/scripts/start-stop-status.
  • F) Extract downloaded binaries - Extracts the files from a downloaded archive to the temp directory (/tmp/docker_update).
  • G) Restore Docker binaries - Restores the Docker binaries in /var/packages/Docker/target/usr/bin/* with the binaries extracted from a backup archive.
  • H) Install Docker binaries - Installs downloaded and extracted Docker binaries (including Docker Compose) to the folder /var/packages/Docker/target/usr/bin/.
  • I) Update log driver - Replaces Synology's log driver with a default log driver local to improve compatibility while optimizing writes and limiting log file growth. The configuration is updated at /var/packages/Docker/etc/dockerd.json
  • J) Restore log driver - Restores the log driver (/var/packages/Docker/etc/dockerd.json) from the configuration within a backup archive.
  • K) Update Docker script - Updates Synology's start-stop-status script for Docker to enable IP forwarding. This ensures containers can be properly reached in bridge networking mode. The script is updated at the location /var/packages/Docker/scripts/start-stop-status.
  • L) Restore Docker script - Restores the start-stop-status script (/var/packages/Docker/scripts/start-stop-status) from the file within a backup archive.
  • M) Start Docker daemon - Starts the Docker daemon by invoking synoservicectl --start pkgctl-Docker (or synopkg start ContainerManager on DSM 7).
  • N) Clean temp folder - Removes files from the temp directory (/tmp/docker_update). The temporary files are created when extracting a downloaded archive or extracting a backup.


Synology-Docker supports the following options.

Option Alias Argument Description
-b --backup NAME Name of the backup (defaults to docker_backup_YYMMDDHHMMSS.tgz)
-c --compose VERSION Specify the Docker Compose target version (defaults to latest available on
-d --docker VERSION Specify the Docker target version (defaults to latest available on
-f --force Force the update and bypass compatibility check / confirmation check
-p --path Path of the backup (defaults to current directory)
-s --stage Stage only, do not replace binaries or the configuration of log driver


  1. Fork the repository and create a new branch
  2. Make and test the changes
  3. Submit a Pull Request with a comprehensive description of the changes back to this repository


Synology-Docker is inspired by this gist from Mikado8231.

Thanks to @markdumay for his original work that this was forked from.

Thanks to @mrmuiz for lots of testing across different Synology versions and great feedback



Forked from markdumay/synology-docker