project for find exactly items which each temples needed to donate.
This project is developed by HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,JavaScript,PHP,mySQL.
Ensure that you have...
1.mySQL Sever
2.XAMPP or any related local server tools.
->Start your mySQL sever and run phpMyAdmin as your localhost
->Setup new Database named "temples" and import 'temples.sql'
->Execute XAMPP and start local server.
->Goes to xampp/htdocs (or opt/lampp/htdocs for linux and any UNIX based OS) and move project floder to there.
->Run this application by using 'localhost:portnumber' as your url or ip address of your xampp
#You can goes as Admin with username : admin and password : 1234
#For Monk's role you have to use username : monk and password : 1234
#Uploaded photos provided in /uploads, please re-check that you allow users to interact with otherwise, this application won't work with image upload features.
#'temples.sql' provided in /database floder.
Thank you