A collection of my random but frequently used R functions to make life easier as a statistician and data scientist
- Data Cleaning/Preprocessing
- functions for basic data preprocessing and cleaning
- Modeling
- functions for fitting and evaluating prediction models with consistent inputs and outputs
- Plots and Tables
- functions to create custom ggplot and kable themes as well as to provide convenient wrappers for commonly used plots and tables
- Rmarkdown Templates
- Rmarkdown templates for generating reports from simulation studies
- Miscellaneous
clean_functions.R: functions for basic data preprocessing and cleaning
- basicDataSummary(): function to summarize basic data oddities (e.g., NAs, constant columns, missing factor levels)
- removeNACols(): function to remove all columns with at least one NA value
- removeConstantCols(): function to remove all columns that are constant
filter_features.R: functions for filtering number of features in high-dimensional data
- filterByAssoc(): function to reduce number of features by keeping those with the highest univariate association with the repsonse (measure via ANOVA)
- filterByCor(): function to reduce number of features by keeping those with the highest correlation with the response
- filterByCorBootstrap(): function to reduce number of features by keeping those with the highest correlation with the response, averaged across multiple bootstrap samples
- filterByLasso(): function to reduce number of features by keeping those with the largest magnitude coefficients from Lasso
- filterByRF(): function to reduce number of features by keeping those with the highest feature importance score from RF
- filterByVar(): function to reduce number of features by keeping those with the largest variance
fit_models.R: functions for fitting various models while returning a consistent output that includes the 1) fitted predictions, 2) the test predictions, 3) the model fit, 4) a feature importance data frame, and 5) the estimated support
- fitLM(): fit a linear model
- fitLasso(): fit a Lasso model
- fitRF(): fit a random forest
- fitXGB(): fit an xgboost model
eval_functions.R: functions for evaluating prediction models
evalPreds(): function to calculate prediction error between observed and predicted responses, as measured by MSE,
$R^2$ , MAE, correlation, (balanced) classification error, AUC, and/or PR - evalPermTest(): function to perform permutation test for prediction error between observed and predicted responses
evalPreds(): function to calculate prediction error between observed and predicted responses, as measured by MSE,
ggplot_themes.R: create customized ggplot theme
- prettyGGplotTheme(): customized ggplot theme
- prettyGGplotColor(): customized ggplot color theme
- prettyGGplotFill(): customized ggplot fill theme
ggplot_wrappers.R: convenient wrapper functions around common ggplot geometric objects (geoms) and adds custom ggplot theme
- plotBarplot()
- plotBoxplot()
- plotDensity()
- plotHistogram()
- plotLine()
- plotScatter()
eda_plotting_functions.R: functions to generate common EDA plots
- plotPairs()
- plotPCA()
- plotHeatmap()
table_wrappers.R: convenient wrapper functions to make tables using kable and datatable
- prettyKable(): function to make nice kable tables with options to bold certain entries
- prettyDT(): function to make nice DT tables with options to bold certain entries
rmd_functions.R: Rmarkdown helper functions
- subchunkify(): function to allow for multiple plots of different sizes and captions within single R code chunk in Rmd
rmd_templates/: Rmarkdown templates for simulation results
- custom_rmd_theme.css: custom css style
- parameterized_results_plots.Rmd: generates html document with plots from specified folder (inputted as a parameter)
- shiny_results_plots.Rmd: generates shiny interactive document with plots from specified folder
- numerical_checks.R: functions to conduct common numerical checks
- isEqual(): function to check for equality between two matrices A and B up to given numerical tolerance
- isOrthonormal(): function to check if matrix is orthonormal up to given numerical tolerance