General library requirements (Release 1.0):
- Dataframe of features (text values may be one-hot encoded)
- Class labels in np.ndarray or pd.Series with shape (n,1)
- Binary classification (not multiclass or multilabel)
Workflow: Correlation-based feature filtering has four steps: preprocessing, discretization, calculating correlations, and feature reduction.
Here the first two steps are implemented in the Discretizer
and the second two steps in the qlcfFilter
They work SciKit-Learn style (instantiate, fit, transform)
and can be used in a pipeline.
# import the local library:
# add parent folder path where lib folder is
import sys
if ".." not in sys.path:import sys; sys.path.insert(0, '..')
from QLCFF import Discretizer, qlcfFilter
dzdf = Discretizer().fit_transform(features_train, labels_train)
fltrs = ['FDR', 'FWE', 'FCBF-PC']
ffdf = qlcfFilter().fit_transform(dzdf, labels_train,
fltrs, features_train)
Examples are in QLCF_demo .py and .ipynb
dtzr = Discretizer(numjobs= -2, msglvl=5) #Initialise
- Requires : none
- Optional : joblib Parallel(n_jobs=, verbose=)
-, y) # Calls the preprocessor
- Requires : features as pd.dataframe, labels as array-like
- Optional : none
- X : preprocessor
- selects only column dtypes np.number and pd or np boolean
- normalizes all columns with signed dtypes to positive numbers
- normalizes all columns with boolean dtypes to zero//one
- y : Text labels are converted with sklearn LabelEncoder()
After fit(), the preprocessed dataframe is an attribute
_ = dtzr.transform(mkbins='hgrm', detail=False)
Returns : discretized df
Requires : none
Optional : binning strategy, default or one of
'unif-ten' 'unif-log' 'unif-sqrt'
'mdlp-ten' 'mdlp-log' 'mdlp-sqrt'
'chim-ten' 'chim-log' 'chim-sqrt'
Optional : (boolean) print binning report
The default value
appliesnumpy.histogram(feature, bins='auto')
, and repeatedly folds lower bins into the next higher one until there are a maximum of 12 for the feature.
Otherwise, the valid values combine an algorithm for calculating the bin edges (cutpoints) with a method for determining the maximum number of bins.calculate edges number of bins unif: uniform [numpy.linspace()] ten: always ten [3,4] mdlp: MDLP algorithm [1] sqrt: sqrt(len(feature)) [5] chim: ChiMerge algorithm [2] log: log10(len(feature)) [3]
After transform():
- the processed dataframe is an attribute
- the dict of bin edges is an attribute
- note: distribution of values within bins
- the processed dataframe is an attribute
ffltr = qlcfFilter() #Initialise
- Requires : none
- Optional : none
-, y, filters, plvl=0.5, minpc=0.035, minsu=0.0025, hipc=0.82, hisu=0.7)
Requires : discretizer.binned_df, labels as array-like, list of one or more filters
Optional : *varies depending on filters selected
A list with one or more of
'Floor', 'FDR', 'FWE', 'FCBF-SU', 'FCBF-PC'
The list is processed in order with progressive filtering'Floor'
: filters on the basis that low correlation with the target labels (f2y) means low utility for distinguishing class membership. Keeps features that have correlation > a threshold (the defaults were selected through experimentation).- Optional :
: threshold for pearson correlationminsu
: threshold for symmetric uncertainty
- Optional :
'FDR', 'FWE'
: sklearn univariate chi-square test; selects features to keep based on an upper bound on the expected false discovery rate.fwe
will select more to drop thanfdr
, and lower thresholds will also select more to drop. The floor filter will select all from either univariate test, and more.- Optional :
: chi-square threshold (alpha), standard values are 0.01, 0.05, 0.1
- Optional :
: FCBF-style, filter on feature-to-feature (f2f) correlations. Given a group of features with high cross-correlations, keep the one with the highest (f2y) as a proxy for the others (FCBF paper [6] calls this the "dominant feature"). The standard threshold for multicolliniarity is > 0.7, the defaults were selected through experimentation.- Optional :
: threshold for "high" f2f pearson correlationhisu
: threshold for "high" f2f symmetric uncertainty
- Optional :
To create layered feature selection filters, apply either
or'FDR', 'FWE'
After fit():
- the consolidated drop list is an attribute
- reporting methods are available:
print feature-to-label (f2y) correlationsfyd = ffltr.get_f2y_dict(kd='drop')
returns a dict of correlations for each filter- Optional :
kd = 'keep'
- Optional :
print feature to feature (f2f) correlations above threshold reportffd = ffltr.get_f2f_dict()
returns a dict of f2f correlations checked by each filter- f2f is only available for
- f2f is only available for
- the consolidated drop list is an attribute
reduced_df = ffltr.transform(Xdf)
- Returns : Xdf after applying the consolidated drop list
- Requires : actual pd.dataframe for clf.fit_predict()
- Optional : none
Examples are in QLCF_demo .py and .ipynb
[1] Fayyad, U. M., and Irani, K. B. (1993). "Multiinterval discretization of continuous-valued attributes for classifcation learning", Proc. 13th Int. Joint Conference on Artifcial Intelligence, pp. 1022-1027
[2] Kerber R. (1992). "Chimerge: Discretization of numeric attributes", Proc. 10th National Conference on Artifcial Intelligence (AAAI'92), pp. 123–128
[3] Dougherty J., Kohavi, R., and Sahami, M. (1995), “Supervised and unsupervised discretization of continuous features”, Proc. ICML 1995, pp. 194–202
[4] Yang, Y. and Webb, G. I. (2002), “A comparative study of discretization methods for naive-bayes classifiers”, Proc. PKAW 2002, pp. 159-173
[5] Yang, Y. and Webb, G. I. (2001), “Proportional k-interval discretization for naive-bayes classifiers”, in Machine learning: ECML 2001, pp. 564–575
[6] Lei Yu and Huan Liu (2003), "Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data: A Fast Correlation-Based Filter Solution", Proc. 20th ICML 2003, pp. 856-863