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About IRCBot

Created by: Chris Woodward

The IRCBot is designed to provide an all-in-one solution for those who wish to run an IRC bot easily. It includes many useful features as well as fun games. It can even be used as your personal client!

Feature Set

  • Channel Moderation
  • Custom Access Levels
  • Full GUI Interface
  • Console Interface
  • Bot API for making custom interfaces
  • Owner Control Functions
  • Automatic nick registration
  • Ghost on Nick in Use
  • Flood Protection
  • 4chan thread/reply viewing and searching
  • URL/file parsing
  • Google Search
  • Wolfram Alpha Search
  • SED
  • Ping Requests
  • Last Seen Nick
  • Channel Rules
  • Weather and Forcasts
  • Magic 8ball
  • Pass the Hbomb game
  • Fun commands
  • Chat Protocol (A.L.I.C.E.)
  • Channel Roll Call
  • Version Checker
  • Idle
  • Dice Rolls
  • GitHub issue submission
  • Full logging support
  • Custom Alarms
  • Surveys

Installation - Windows

  1. Download the from the latest release in and extract the files to a directory of your choice.
  2. Run IRCBot-GUI.exe or IRCBot-Console.exe

Installation - Linux (Alpha)

  1. Install mono and libgdiplus packages.
  2. Download the from the latest release and extract the files to a directory of your choice.
  • config/servers.xml contains all the server settings for the bot. Edit the default server and add more if you want.
  • config/modules.xml contains all the module config settings. It is usually a good idea to separate them into separate folders/files for each server. You specify the modules.xml file in the server config.
  1. Open a terminal emulator and cd it to the directory with the IRCBot-Console.exe.
  2. Type: mono IRCBot-Console.exe
  • Current Limitations: Does not display any output, some functions may not work, buggy.


When you first start up the IRC Bot, you will need to add your details into the configuration. You can do this one of two ways: By using the configuration manager in tools, or by editing the config.xml directly in the /config/ folder. The first is preferred as to reduce the chance of messing up the configuration file.

After clicking tools->configuration, you will then be presented with the configuration manager. From here, you can Add a new server, and configure bot settings

Once you have added your server, just click "Connect" and if you entered your configuration correctly your bot will then connect to the server and channels you specified. Adding a Server

To add a new server, click the "Add Server" button in the Configuration window. The required fields are as follows:

PropertyFormatDefault Value
Server Namestring
Port Numberint326667

Each server has it's own settings for the Modules and Commands within the modules. You also can control the access level for each XOP level within the Op Levels Configuration tab.

Command List

Each command has the following properties:

triggerscomma separated string array
blacklistcomma separated string array


  • fortune Displays a fortune.
    Usage: fortune


  • trivia Starts a new game of trivia.
    Usage: trivia

  • stoptrivia Stops a running game of trivia.
    Aliases: strivia
    Usage: stoptrivia

  • scores Displays the top 10 scores.
    Usage: scores

  • score Shows your current rank and score.
    Usage: score


  • 4chan Views a specific thread ID or OP number of a board, or a list of boards on 4chan.
    Usage: 4chan [{board}] [{(#)thread_ID|OP_index}] [{(#)reply_ID|reply_index}]

  • next_thread Displays the next OP on the current board.
    Aliases: nt
    Usage: next_thread

  • next_reply Displays the next reply on the current thread.
    Aliases: nr
    Usage: nr

  • 4chansearch Searchs a specific board for a thread that contains the specified query.
    Aliases: 4chs, 4cs, 4chans
    Usage: 4chansearch {board} {query}

Is It Up

  • isitup Checks if the web address specified is accessible from the bot.
    Aliases: isup
    Usage: isitup {url}

Ping Me

  • pingme Gets the ping time between the bot and the client requesting the ping.
    Usage: pingme


  • seen Displays the last time the nick has been seen in the channel.
    Usage: seen


  • setaccess Adds the specified nick to the access list with the specified level.
    Aliases: addaccess
    Usage: setaccess {nick} {access_level}

  • delaccess Removes the specified access level from the nick.
    Usage: delaccess {nick} {access_level}

  • listaccess Lists all the users with access on the channel and their level.
    Aliases: accesslist
    Usage: listaccess

  • getaccess Displays the current access level of a user.
    Aliases: access
    Usage: getaccess [{channel}] {nick}


  • founder Sets the nick to Owner of the chan.
    Usage: founder {nick}

  • defounder Unsets the nick as Owner of the chan.
    Usage: `defounder {nick}

  • asop Adds the nick to the Auto Super Op List.
    Usage: asop {nick}

  • deasop Removes the nick from the Auto Super Op List.
    Usage: deasop {nick}

  • sop Sets the nick as Super Op.
    Usage: sop {nick}

  • desop Removes the nick as Super Op.
    Usage: desop {nick}

  • aop Adds the nick to the Auto Op List.
    Usage: aop {nick}

  • deaop Removes the nick from the Auto Op List.
    Usage: deaop {nick}

  • op Sets the nick as an Op.
    Usage: op {nick}

  • deop Removes the nick as an Op.
    Usage: deop {nick}

  • ahop Adds the nick to the Auto HOP List.
    Usage: ahop {nick}

  • deahop Removes the nick from the Auto HOP List.
    Usage: deahop {nick}

  • avoice Adds the nick to the Auto Voice List.
    Usage: avoice {nick}

  • deavoice Removes the nick from the Auto Voice List.
    Usage: deavoice {nick}

  • mode Sets or unsets a channel mode.
    Usage: mode +/-{flags}

  • topic Sets the channels topic.
    Usage: topic {topic}

  • invite Invites the specified nick into the channel.
    Usage: invite {nick}

  • ak Adds the specified nick to the auto kick list.
    Usage: ak {nick} [{reason}]

  • ab Adds the specified nick to the auto ban list.
    Usage: ab {nick} [{reason}]

  • akb Adds the specified nick to the auto kick-ban list.
    Usage: akb {nick} [{reason}]

  • deak Removes the specified nick to the auto kick list.
    Usage: deak {nick} [{reason}]

  • deab Removes the specified nick to the auto ban list.
    Usage: deab {nick} [{reason}]

  • deakb Removes the specified nick to the auto kick-ban list.
    Usage: deakb {nick} [{reason}]

  • hop Sets the nick as Half Op.
    Usage: hop {nick}

  • dehop Removes the nick as Half Op.
    Usage: dehop {nick}

  • b Bans the specified nick.
    Usage: b {nick}

  • ub Unbans the specified nick.
    Usage: ub {nick}

  • clearban Clears all the bans in the channel.
    Usage: clearban

  • kb Bans and then Kicks the specified nick.
    Usage: kb {nick} [{reason}]

  • tb Bans the specified nick for the amount of time specified.
    Usage: tb {ban_time} {nick} [{reason}]

  • tkb Bans and then Kicks the specified nick for the amount of time specified.
    Usage: tkb {ban_time} {nick} [{reason}]

  • k Kicks the nick from the channel.
    Usage: k {nick} [{reason}]

  • voice Sets the nick as Voiced.
    Usage: voice {nick}

  • devoice Removes the nick as Voiced.
    Usage: devoice {nick}

  • kme Kicks the requesting nick from the channel.
    Usage: kme


  • owner Identifies the nick as the Bot's Owner.
    Usage: owner {password}

  • addowner Adds the defined nick as an owner.
    Usage: addowner {nick}

  • delowner Removes the defined nick from the owners list.
    Usage: delowner {nick}

  • nick Changes the Bot's nickname to the one specified.
    Usage: nick {new_nick}

  • id Has the Bot identify to nickserv.
    Usage: id

  • join Tells the Bot to join the specified channel.
    Usage: join {channel}

  • part Tells the Bot to part the channel.
    Usage: part [{channel}]

  • say Has the Bot say the specified message to the channel.
    Usage: say [{channel}] {message}

  • action Displays the specified message as an action in the channel.
    Alternate Commands: me
    Usage: action [{channel}] {message}

  • query Private messages the specified nick.
    Usage: query {nick} {message}

  • quit Quits the server instance.
    Usage: quit

  • quitall Quits all of the connected server instances.
    Usage: quitall

  • cycle Restarts the server instance.
    Usage: cycle

  • cycleall Restarts all of the connected server instances.
    Usage: cycleall

  • exit Closes the client.
    Usage: restart

  • restart Restarts the client.
    Usage: restart

  • ignore Adds the specified nick/chan to the ignore list.
    Usage: ignore {nick|channel}

  • unignore Removes the specified nick/chan from the ignore list.
    Usage: unignore {nick|channel}

  • ignoremodule Adds the specified nick/chan to a modules ignore list.
    Usage: ignoremodule {module} {nick|chan}

  • unignoremodule Removes the specified nick/chan from a modules ignore list.
    Usage: unignoremodule {module} {nick|chan}

  • ignorecmd Adds the specified nick/chan to a commands ignore list.
    Usage: `ignorecmd {command} {nick|chan}

  • unignorecmd Removes the specified nick/chan from a commands ignore list.
    Usage: unignorecmd {command} {nick|chan}

  • blacklist Adds the specified channel to the bot blacklist.
    Usage: blacklist {channel}

  • unblacklist Removes the specified channel from the bot blacklist.
    Usage: unblacklist {channel}

  • update Updates the Modules and Configurations on all server instances.
    Usage: update

  • modules Displays the loaded modules.
    Usage: modules

  • loadmodule Loads the specified module into the bot.
    Aliases: load, addmodule
    Usage: loadmodule {module_class_name}

  • delmodule Unloads the specified module from the bot.
    Aliases: unload, unloadmodule
    Usage: delmodule {module_class_name}

  • addchanInvites the bot to a specified channel.
    Usage: addchan {channel}

  • addchanlist Adds the specified channel to the auto-join list.
    Usage: addchanlist {channel}

  • delchanlist Removes the specified channel to the auto-join list.
    Usage: delchanlist {channel}

  • nicklist Lists the nicks in the current channel or specified one.
    Aliases: nicks
    Usage: nicklist [{channel}]

  • channels Lists the channels the bot is in on that server.
    Usage: channels

  • servers Lists the servers the bot is connected to.
    Usage: servers

  • conf Lists the bot's current configuration settings.
    Usage: conf [module_config]

  • resources Displays the current CPU and RAM used by the bot.
    Usage: resources

  • clear Kicks everyone from the channel except the initiator and the bot.
    Usage: clear [{channel}]


  • help Displays the modules available to the nick. Viewing a specific module shows the commands. Viewing a specific command shows the command properties.
    Usage: help [{module}] [{command}]


  • rules Displays the channel rules.
    Usage: rules

  • addrule Adds the specified rule to the end of the channel rules.
    Usage: addrule {rule}

  • delrule Removes the specified rule from the channel rules.
    Usage: delrule {rule_number}


  • message Leaves a message for the specified nick. Will be delivered once the nick joins or speaks in a channel the bot is in.
    Aliases: msg
    Usage: message {nick} {message}

  • anonmessage Leaves a message for the specified nick without displaying the sender's nick. Will be delivered once the nick joins or speaks in a channel the bot is in.
    Aliases: amsg, anonmsg
    Usage: anonmessage {nick} {message}


  • intro Adds a personal greeting for whenever you enter the channel.
    Usage: intro {greeting_1|greeting_2}

  • introdelete Deletes your introductions for that channel.
    Aliases: delintro, deleteintro
    Usage: introdelete


  • quote Displays a random quote from the channel. If a nick is specified, it will get a quote from that nick.
    Usage: quote [{nick}]


  • weather Displays the current weather conditions for the specified city.
    Aliases: w
    Usage: weather {zip_code|city_name}

  • forecast Displays the weather forecast for the specified city.
    Aliases: f
    Usage: forecast {zip_code|city_name}


  • google Displays the first result from Google.
    Aliases: g
    Usage: google {query}


  • 8ball Answers any yes/no question.
    Usage: 8ball {question}


  • hbomb Initiates a new game of pass the HBomb.
    Usage: hbomb

  • pass Passes the HBomb to the specified nick.
    Usage: pass {nick}

  • lock_bomb Locks the bomb to the current holder, or passes it and then locks it.
    Aliases: lb
    Usage: lock_bomb [{nick}]

  • unlock_bomb Unlocks the bomb from the current holder.
    Aliases: unlb
    Usage: unlock_bomb

  • set_bomb Sets the bomb holder to the specified nick.
    Aliases: sb
    Usage: set_bomb {nick}

  • detonate Detonates the current active bomb.
    Usage: detonate

  • stop_bomb Stops the bomb without it blowing up.
    Usage: stop_bomb

  • defuse Cuts a wire of the HBomb. If it is the correct wire, it will defuse the bomb and kick the previous holder. If not, it will detonate.
    Usage: defuse {wire_color}


  • love Sends some love to the specified nick or requesting nick.
    Usage: love [{nick}]

  • hug Sends a hug to the specified nick or requesting nick.
    Usage: hug [{nick}]

  • slap Slaps the specified nick or requesting nick.
    Usage: slap [{nick}]

  • bots Checks in to the channel.
    Usage: bots

  • br Responds with HUEHUEHUE.
    Usage: br

  • net Talks about the quality .NET Framework.
    Usage: net


  • addresponse Adds a new response to the dictionary.
    Usage: addresponse {allowed_chan}[,{allowed_chan}]:{trigger}[|{trigger}]:{response}[|[response}]

  • delresponse Removes the specified response from the dictionary.
    Usage: delresponse {response_number}

  • listresponse Lists all of the responses in the dictionary.
    Usage: listresponse


  • stopchat Stops the bot from chatting in that channel.
    Usage: stopchat


  • poll Creates a poll in the channel.
    Usage: poll {question}|{answer}[|{answer}...]

  • addanswer Adds an answer to the active poll.
    Usage: addanswer {answer}

  • delanswer Removes the specified answer from the active poll.
    Usage: delanswer {answer_number}

  • stoppoll Stops the active poll and displays the results.
    Usage: stoppoll

  • results Displays the results of the current poll.
    Usage: results

  • vote Votes for the specified answer.
    Usage: vote {answer_number}

Roll Call

  • rollcall Displays every nick in the channel.
    Usage: rollcall [{channel}]

Version Response

  • ver Sends a version request and displays the response.
    Usage: ver {nick}


  • idle Sets you as idle. Protects from certain games and actions.
    Usage: idle

  • deidle Returns you from idle.
    Usage: deidle

Roll Dice

  • roll Rolls a specified number of dice with certain s amount of sides and displays the results.
    Usage: roll [{number_of_dice}] [{number_of_sides}]

Wolfram Alpha

  • wa Returns the results of your query from Wolfram Alpha.
    Usage: wa {query}


  • bug Creates a new issue with a ''Bug'' label.
    Usage: bug {title}[|{description}]

  • request Creates a new issue with a ''Issue'' label.
    Usage: request {title}[|{description}]


  • about Displays the bots current version, creator, and owners.
    Usage: about

  • source Displays the url for the source code of IRCBot.
    Usage: source

  • uptime Displays how long the bot has been connected to the server.
    Usage: uptime

  • runtime Displays how long the bot program has been running.
    Usage: runtime


  • last Displays information of the usage of specified commands.
    Usage: last [{command}] [{nick}] [{number_of_results}]


  • alarm Sets an alarm for the time specified.
    Usage: alarm {time} {message or command}


  • survey Starts a survey session for the requesting nick.
    Usage: survey {survey_number}

  • surveys Lists all available surveys, nicks who have taken the specified survey, or answers of the specified nick for the specified survey.
    Usage: surveys [{survey_number}] [{nick}]

  • nextquestion Submits your entered text as an answer and displays the next question.
    Usage: nextquestion

  • addsurvey Begins the add new survey wizard.
    Usage: addsurvey {survey_access_level} {survey_name}

  • delsurvey Deletes the specified survey.
    Usage: delsurvey {survey_number}

  • finishsurvey Finalizes the submitted survey and adds it to the list.
    Usage: finishsurvey

  • cancelsurvey Cancels the current survey and erases the answers.
    Usage: cancelsurvey

  • addsurveyowner Adds an owner to the specified survey.
    Usage: addsurveyowner {survey_number} {new_owner}[,{new-owner}]

  • delsurveyowner Deletes an owner to the specified survey.
    Usage: delsurveyowner {survey_number} {owner}[,{owner}]

Bugs/Feature Requests

Please report all bugs you find to me so I can fix them as soon as possible. Also if you have any feature requests, feel free to send them to me as well.

Contact Info

Email: [email protected]
IRC: (
Nick: Uncled1023


Cameron Lucas

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