FIFO message queue plugin for based on HotQueue is a fast and simple micro-framework for python web-applications.
HotQueue is a Python library that allows you to use Redis as a message queue within your Python programs.
$ pip install bottle-hotqueue
$ python install
bottle and hotqueue
import bottle
from bottlehotqueue import Plugin
app = bottle.Bottle()
hotqueue = Plugin(keyword="myhotqueue")
app.install(hotqueue)'/put/:value', myhotqueue={'queue': 'myqueue'})
def send_message(value, myqueue):
""" This will put an item in the queue hotqueue:myqueue.
return myqueue.put(value)
@app.get('/get/', myhotqueue={'queue': 'myqueue'})
def get_message(myqueue):
""" We will now try to get a item from hotqueue:myqueue.
if the queue is empty, we instead raise a 404.
result = myqueue.get()
if not result:
raise bottle.HTTPError(404, "Queue is Empty")
return result, host='', port=8080)
The plugin will use json (or simplejson if available) as the standard serializer. This behaviour can be reverted to match the default implementation by passing asjson=False when instantiating the plugin. It will then conform to the standard HotQueue way of serializing objects by using pickle (or cpickle if available).
hotqueue = Plugin(keyword="myhotqueue", asjson=False)
import json
from hotqueue import HotQueue
queue = HotQueue("myqueue", host="localhost", serializer=json)
for item in queue.consume():
print item
More on HotQueue: