This script helps perfect your directional jumps in WoW by synchronizing your movement keys with spacebar. The default layout is:
Perfect for:
- 🎯 Gulch hoopin
- 🐎 Mount jumps
- 🗺️ Exploration
You can find a compiled hoop.exe in the Releases section toward the right of the page under the About
For those who don't want to run a random .exe, you can see whats in the hoop.ahk file in this repo, and run that.
If you're on modern Windows, you have winget. Access it through the terminal.
- Press windows+R, type
, typewinget --help
- Search for autohotkey
winget search autohotkey
- Install it by running the command below or grab it from
winget install AutoHotkey.AutoHotkey
- Download
- Review the code (always smart!) or just use hoop.exe
- Double-click the hoop.ahk to run
- Look for the tray icon
The script uses an advanced input monitoring system that:
- Watches Keys: Monitors your directional keys (Q,W,E,A,D) and spacebar
- Perfect Timing: Sends directional input slightly before spacebar
- Natural Feel: Adds tiny random delays for authentic movement
Timing Example:
[Direction]--[tiny delay]--[Space]--[Hold]--[Release]
^ 16ms ^ 50ms ^
F11 = Mount + Forward jump + Dismount
F13 = Quick forward hop
JUMP_WINDOW := 150 ; Detection window (ms)
MIN_DELAY := 1 ; Minimum key delay
MAX_DELAY := 15 ; Maximum key delay
DIR_PREFIRE := 16 ; Direction->Space delay
Edit in the Config class:
; Adjust which keys to watch
DIR_KEYS := ["q", "w", "e", "a", "d"]
; Tweak timing (milliseconds)
JUMP_WINDOW := 150 ; Detection window
DIR_PREFIRE := 16 ; Direction->Space delay
LAlt + Esc
= Reload scriptLAlt + Ctrl + Esc
= Emergency stop- Tray icon for quick access
- ✅ Only works in WoW window
- ✅ Passive key monitoring (no movement interference)
- ✅ Emergency key release system
- ✅ Clean exit handling
Like any automation tool, use at your own risk. This script uses standard input methods and doesn't modify the game.
Try adjusting these values in the Config class:
: Detection windowDIR_PREFIRE
: Delay between direction and space
The script has multiple safety systems, but if needed:
LAlt + Esc
to reloadLAlt + Ctrl + Esc
to stop completely
It's a tool that helps overcome keyboard hardware limitations. Meaning it lets you use a keyboard from the modern age without handicapping yourself
The script helps with timing consistency, but the best hoopers have failed more times than you've tried probably. Practice.
- kff
- hello hello
- Purge Squad
- good talk
- Aziz & company who request the same ahk every new server
- Have fun
I open-sourced this so be creative. If you add something let me know though.
Inside the Config class, add to sequences array:
static SEQUENCES := [
; Existing sequences
trigger: "F11", ; Mount jump
directionKey: "w", ; Forward jump
holdTime: 3150, ; 3s mount cast + buffer
postKey: "F12", ; Dismount key
postDelay: 10 ; Quick dismount after landing
; New sequence examples:
trigger: "XButton1", ; Mouse side button
directionKey: "e", ; Right-forward diagonal
holdTime: 75 ; Longer hop
trigger: "XButton2", ; Other mouse side button
directionKey: "q", ; Left-forward diagonal
holdTime: 50, ; Quick hop
postKey: "Space", ; Double-jump
postDelay: 100 ; Wait before second jump
trigger: "F9", ; WSG flag room jump
directionKey: "w", ; Forward
holdTime: 65, ; Precise timing
postKey: "e", ; Strafe right after
postDelay: 50 ; Quick strafe timing
- Jump timings
50-65 ; Quick hop
65-85 ; Medium jump
85-100 ; Long jump
3150 ; Mount cast + jump
- Post delays
10-25 ; Quick follow-up
50-100 ; Mid-air action
100-200 ; Landing action
750+ ; Mount jump chain
Specific jump owns you? There's probably a way.
; WSG flag room jumps
trigger: "F5", ; Horde roof
directionKey: "w",
holdTime: 75,
postKey: "q",
postDelay: 25
trigger: "F6", ; Alliance tunnel
directionKey: "w",
holdTime: 65,
postKey: "d",
postDelay: 50
; AB jumps
trigger: "F7", ; BS to road
directionKey: "w",
holdTime: 85,
postKey: "Space",
postDelay: 100
; AV jumps
trigger: "F8", ; IBGY skip
directionKey: "w",
holdTime: 95,
postKey: "e",
postDelay: 75
Basic directional hops to complex ideas
trigger: "NumpadEnd", ; Numpad 1
directionKey: "a", ; Left
holdTime: 50 ; Quick hop
trigger: "NumpadDown", ; Numpad 2
directionKey: "s", ; Back
holdTime: 50
trigger: "NumpadPgdn", ; Numpad 3
directionKey: "d", ; Right
holdTime: 50
trigger: "F8", ; WSG roof jump
directionKey: "w", ; Forward
holdTime: 75, ; Longer jump
postKey: "q", ; Diagonal after
postDelay: 25 ; Quick transition
trigger: "^w", ; Ctrl+W
directionKey: "w", ; Forward
holdTime: 3150, ; Mount cast
postKey: "Space", ; Second jump
postDelay: 750 ; Wait for apex
Sample of available modifiers
; Modifier symbols:
^ = Ctrl
! = Alt
+ = Shift
# = Windows key
"^F1" ; Ctrl+F1
"!a" ; Alt+A
"+Space" ; Shift+Space
"^!c" ; Ctrl+Alt+C
XButton1 ; Mouse 4
XButton2 ; Mouse 5
MButton ; Middle click