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Requesting support for extra hardware

William van Beek edited this page May 14, 2021 · 1 revision

Extra support

Currently only a default set is available:

  • Heatpump + thermostat

If you would like more support or have a different set of devices such as a boiler or other you can request support for this device by opening a ticket!

Please use the following title: Extra support wanted for {{ device_name }}

With this supply the output of at-least the following script:

from websocket import create_connection
import json, string, random

ip = ""
ws = create_connection("ws://"+ip+"/mca")

response = json.loads(ws.recv())
data = response["m2m:rsp"]["pc"]["m2m:cin"]["con"]

Dont forget to put your own IP in there from your lan adapter, and to repeat this for every device you have! /[0]/MNAE/0/UnitProfile/la <- Lan adapter /[0]/MNAE/1/UnitProfile/la <- Thermostat /[0]/MNAE/2/UnitProfile/la <- Other device (keep incrementing till done)

The output should look like this (The values we can adjust on the device):

	"SyncStatus": "reboot",
	"Sensor": ["IndoorTemperature", "OutdoorTemperature", "LeavingWaterTemperatureCurrent"],
	"UnitStatus": ["ErrorState", "InstallerState", "WarningState", "EmergencyState", "TargetTemperatureOverruledState"],
	"Operation": {
		"Power": ["on", "standby"],
		"OperationMode": ["heating"],
		"TargetTemperature": {
			"heating": {
				"maxValue": 30.0000000000000000,
				"minValue": 12.0000000000000000,
				"stepValue": 1.0000000000000000
		"RoomTemperatureHeating": {
			"maxValue": 30.0000000000000000,
			"minValue": 12.0000000000000000,
			"stepValue": 1.0000000000000000,
			"settable": true
		"LeavingWaterTemperatureHeating": {
			"maxValue": 80,
			"minValue": 25,
			"stepValue": 1,
			"settable": false
	"Schedule": {
		"Base": "action",
		"defaultScheduleAvailable": "true",
		"NameAdjustable": "false",
		"List": {
			"heating": [{
					"StartTime": {
						"stepValue": 10.0000000000000000,
						"unit": "minutes"
					"TargetTemperature": {
						"heating": {
							"maxValue": 30.0000000000000000,
							"minValue": 12.0000000000000000,
							"stepValue": 1
					"Actions": ["StartTime", "TargetTemperature"],
					"maxActionsAllowed": 6
				["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"],
				["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"],
				["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"],
				["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"],
				["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"],
				["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"],

From here extra support can be built!

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