Le code à été modifié pour permettre le téléchargement des données des relevés Linky via le site web d'erdf/enedis aprés la mise à jour du site. Les modifications ont été proposées pour intégration au repo d'origine dont le code ne fonctionne plus.
This is a script based on Linkindle, created by Outadoc (https://github.com/outadoc/linkindle), allowing to get consumption from Enedis' website (https://espace-client-connexion.erdf.fr/auth/UI/Login?realm=particuliers), through API. This generates JSON files ready to be plotted with Highcharts for example.
The script will generate 4 JSON files for :
- Half-hour power (kW)
- Daily consumption (kWh)
- Monthly consumption (kWh)
- Yearly consumption (kWh)
This script requires the use of Python 3 with the following dependencies:
- dateutil
- requests
- json
In "gen_json.sh" script, set up environment variables containing your Enedis email and password.
export LINKY_USERNAME="[email protected]"
export LINKY_PASSWORD="password"
As the script was initially build for Jeedom environment, the defaut path targets the SCRIPT directory. For other purposes, it is possible to modify this path.
Then, just run "gen_json.sh" script to generate the JSON files.