Releases: zebrunner/jenkins
Releases · zebrunner/jenkins
2.2 (2024-05-29)
- [#417] reuse docker compose as a plugin
- [#416][#143] bump up to 2.2.1+ pipeline
- [#415] bump up to jenkins-slave:2.1 image
- [#414] bump up to jenkins-master:2.2 image
- [#407] investigate an option to remove plugins updates logic
- [#406] rename project to jenkins
Migration Steps
- Combined migration steps are published in Zebrunner Community Edition 2.5
2.1 (2023-07-17)
2.0 (2023-04-24)
- [#392] clean old 2.0+ tags
- [#390] update managerial jobs to use main branch
- [#388] declare new SONAR_TOKEN global env var
- [#387] switched to the 2.0 pipeline-ce
- [#386] test upgrade to see if #381 require manual migration step
- [#380] move jenkins-master to aws ECR hub
- [#375] bump up to jenkins-slave:1.5
- [#374] migrate to the latest jenkins version (2.387-jdk11)
- [#368] remove selenium provider choice for the registerHubCredentials
- [#382] Register repo is failed "Execution default-cli of goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin"
- [#381] registerRepository job is not started
- [#379] Test jobs failed with error "[ERROR] Could not initialize class com.zebrunner.agent.core.config.ConfigurationHolder"
- [#351] Jenkins is not started on Mac
Migration Steps
- Combined migration steps are published in Zebrunner Community Edition 2.3
1.8.1 (2022-07-29)
1.8 (2022-01-30)
- [#366] Switched to pipeline 1.7
- [#364] Removed launcher and RegisterRepository job from the root
- [#1] Updated jenkins-master and plugins versions
- [#348] Android and IOS-Demo-Tests should not use browser=chrome capabilities
Migration Steps
- Combined migration steps are published in Zebrunner Community Edition 2.0
1.7 (2021-10-26)
Improved setup process making jenkins-master fully independent with SSL configuration
- [#362] Added ssl auto-configuration
- [#359] Made the setup process workable for jenkins-master itself
- [#1] Updated jenkins-master 2.301-> 2.306 and plugins
- N/A
Migration Steps
- Combined migration steps are published in Zebrunner Community Edition release notes
1.6 (2021-09-26)
- [#1] Upgraded jenkins from 2.286 to 2.301
- [#357] Removed TCM credentials registration jobs
- [#356] Removed RegisterQTestCredentials and RegisterTestRailCredentials jobs
- N/A
Migration Steps
- Combined migration steps are published in Zebrunner Community Edition release notes
1.5 (2021-06-25)
- [#1] Upgraded plugins
- [#344] Adjusted the default jenkins-slave labels
- [#340] Removed support of jenkins-master on jdk8
- [#307] Generated a valid healthcheck script
- [#345] 2.283+ jenkins had the incomplete setup wizard
- [#343] Jenkins started too long and user had to restart/reinstall plugins 2-3 times
- [#338] Different Jobs contained different versions of library [email protected],1,1,1,4
Migration Steps
- Combined migration steps are published in Zebrunner Community Edition release notes
1.4 (2021-01-20)
- Upgraded plugins:
- jackson2-api 2.12.0 -> 2.12.1
- variant 1.3->1.4
- apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.10-2.0 -> 4.5.13-1.0
- token-macro 2.12->2.13
- git-client 3.5.1->3.6.0
- [#332] Removed jacoco related configuration including plugins:
- aws-java-sdk
- aws-credenials
- [#329] Removed embeddable-build-status plugin
- [#324] Old URL was present on the 'Readme' page (
Migration Steps
- Combined migration steps are published in Zebrunner Community Edition release notes
1.3 (2020-12-03)
- [#321] Upgraded htmlpublisher plugin to 1.25
- [#316] Plugins bumping up is skipped during upgrade
- [#315] Updated Management_Jobs/* to use the latest 1.3 pipeline version
- [#314] Scanned all management jobs and replaced scmURL with repoUrl
- [#313] Jumped to 1.1 jenkins-slaves
- [#294] Moved registerUserCreds to Organization class
- [#319] Test run from Launcher was not visible in reporting Test runs
- [#311] Fixed bad credentials title for default jobs
Migration Steps
- Combined migration steps are published in Zebrunner Community Edition release notes