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468 lines (345 loc) · 25.1 KB

File metadata and controls

468 lines (345 loc) · 25.1 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
itemsItemIdGet GET /items/{itemId} Obtenir le détail d'un article contenu dans une commande
ordersOrderIdCancelPost POST /orders/{orderId}/cancel Annuler les paiements futurs pour une commande (pas de remboursement).
ordersOrderIdGet GET /orders/{orderId} Obtenir des informations détaillées sur une commande
organizationsOrganizationSlugFormsFormTypeFormSlugItemsGet GET /organizations/{organizationSlug}/forms/{formType}/{formSlug}/items Obtenir une liste d'articles vendus dans un formulaire
organizationsOrganizationSlugFormsFormTypeFormSlugOrdersGet GET /organizations/{organizationSlug}/forms/{formType}/{formSlug}/orders Obtenir les commandes d'un formulaire
organizationsOrganizationSlugItemsGet GET /organizations/{organizationSlug}/items Obtenir une liste d'articles vendus par une organisation
organizationsOrganizationSlugOrdersGet GET /organizations/{organizationSlug}/orders Obtenir les commandes d'une organisation


HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsItemDetail itemsItemIdGet(itemId, opts)

Obtenir le détail d'un article contenu dans une commande

<br/><br/><b>Votre token doit avoir l'un de ces rôles : </b><br/>FormAdmin<br/>OrganizationAdmin<br/><br/>Si vous êtes une <b>association</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles avec votre client.<br/>Si vous êtes un <b>partenaire</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles par le flux d'autorisation.<br/><br/><b>Votre clientId doit être autorisé à tous ces privilèges : </b> <br/> AccessTransactions<br/><br/>


import HelloAssoApi from 'hello_asso_api';
let defaultClient = HelloAssoApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
let OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN';

let apiInstance = new HelloAssoApi.CommandesApi();
let itemId = 56; // Number | The item ID
let opts = {
  'withDetails': false // Boolean | Set to true to return CustomFields and Options
apiInstance.itemsItemIdGet(itemId, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
itemId Number The item ID
withDetails Boolean Set to true to return CustomFields and Options [optional] [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json



Annuler les paiements futurs pour une commande (pas de remboursement).

<br/><br/><b>Votre token doit avoir l'un de ces rôles : </b><br/>OrganizationAdmin<br/>FormAdmin<br/><br/>Si vous êtes une <b>association</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles avec votre client.<br/>Si vous êtes un <b>partenaire</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles par le flux d'autorisation.<br/><br/><b>Votre clientId doit être autorisé à tous ces privilèges : </b> <br/> RefundManagement<br/><br/>


import HelloAssoApi from 'hello_asso_api';
let defaultClient = HelloAssoApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
let OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN';

let apiInstance = new HelloAssoApi.CommandesApi();
let orderId = 56; // Number | The order identifier.
apiInstance.ordersOrderIdCancelPost(orderId, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');


Name Type Description Notes
orderId Number The order identifier.

Return type

null (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined


HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsOrderDetail ordersOrderIdGet(orderId)

Obtenir des informations détaillées sur une commande

<br/><br/><b>Votre token doit avoir l'un de ces rôles : </b><br/>FormAdmin<br/>OrganizationAdmin<br/><br/>Si vous êtes une <b>association</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles avec votre client.<br/>Si vous êtes un <b>partenaire</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles par le flux d'autorisation.<br/><br/><b>Votre clientId doit être autorisé à tous ces privilèges : </b> <br/> AccessTransactions<br/><br/>


import HelloAssoApi from 'hello_asso_api';
let defaultClient = HelloAssoApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
let OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN';

let apiInstance = new HelloAssoApi.CommandesApi();
let orderId = 56; // Number | 
apiInstance.ordersOrderIdGet(orderId, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
orderId Number

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json


organizationsOrganizationSlugFormsFormTypeFormSlugItemsGet(organizationSlug, formSlug, formType, opts)

Obtenir une liste d'articles vendus dans un formulaire

<br/><br/><b>Votre token doit avoir l'un de ces rôles : </b><br/>FormAdmin<br/>OrganizationAdmin<br/><br/>Si vous êtes une <b>association</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles avec votre client.<br/>Si vous êtes un <b>partenaire</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles par le flux d'autorisation.<br/><br/><b>Votre clientId doit être autorisé à tous ces privilèges : </b> <br/> AccessTransactions<br/><br/>


import HelloAssoApi from 'hello_asso_api';
let defaultClient = HelloAssoApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
let OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN';

let apiInstance = new HelloAssoApi.CommandesApi();
let organizationSlug = "organizationSlug_example"; // String | The organization slug
let formSlug = "formSlug_example"; // String | The form slug
let formType = new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsFormType(); // HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsFormType | The form type CrowdFunding, Membership, Event, Donation, PaymentForm, Checkout, Shop
let opts = {
  'from': new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), // Date | First Date Filter
  'to': new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), // Date | End Date Filter
  'userSearchKey': "userSearchKey_example", // String | Filter results on user or payer first name, last name or email
  'pageIndex': 1, // Number | The page of results to retrieve
  'pageSize': 20, // Number | The number of items per page
  'continuationToken': "continuationToken_example", // String | Continuation Token from which we wish to retrieve results
  'tierTypes': [new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsTierType()], // [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsTierType] | The type of tiers
  'itemStates': [new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsItemState()], // [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsItemState] | The item states  Available values: * `Processed` - The item is paid and is valid * `Registered` - The item has been registered manually by the organization and is valid * `Unknown` * `Canceled` - The item has been canceled, and is no longer valid
  'tierName': "tierName_example", // String | The name of a tier
  'withDetails': false, // Boolean | Set to true to return CustomFields and Options
  'sortOrder': new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder(), // HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder | Sort forms items by ascending or descending order. Default is descending
  'sortField': new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortField(), // HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortField | Sort forms items by a specific field (Date or UpdateDate). Default is date
  'withCount': true // Boolean | Whether the pagination should include totalCount and totalPages.
apiInstance.organizationsOrganizationSlugFormsFormTypeFormSlugItemsGet(organizationSlug, formSlug, formType, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');


Name Type Description Notes
organizationSlug String The organization slug
formSlug String The form slug
formType HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsFormType The form type CrowdFunding, Membership, Event, Donation, PaymentForm, Checkout, Shop
from Date First Date Filter [optional]
to Date End Date Filter [optional]
userSearchKey String Filter results on user or payer first name, last name or email [optional]
pageIndex Number The page of results to retrieve [optional] [default to 1]
pageSize Number The number of items per page [optional] [default to 20]
continuationToken String Continuation Token from which we wish to retrieve results [optional]
tierTypes [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsTierType] The type of tiers [optional]
itemStates [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsItemState] The item states Available values: * `Processed` - The item is paid and is valid * `Registered` - The item has been registered manually by the organization and is valid * `Unknown` * `Canceled` - The item has been canceled, and is no longer valid [optional]
tierName String The name of a tier [optional]
withDetails Boolean Set to true to return CustomFields and Options [optional] [default to false]
sortOrder HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder Sort forms items by ascending or descending order. Default is descending [optional]
sortField HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortField Sort forms items by a specific field (Date or UpdateDate). Default is date [optional]
withCount Boolean Whether the pagination should include totalCount and totalPages. [optional] [default to true]

Return type

null (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, text/csv


ResultsWithPaginationModelOrder organizationsOrganizationSlugFormsFormTypeFormSlugOrdersGet(organizationSlug, formSlug, formType, opts)

Obtenir les commandes d'un formulaire

<br/><br/><b>Votre token doit avoir l'un de ces rôles : </b><br/>FormAdmin<br/>OrganizationAdmin<br/><br/>Si vous êtes une <b>association</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles avec votre client.<br/>Si vous êtes un <b>partenaire</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles par le flux d'autorisation.<br/><br/><b>Votre clientId doit être autorisé à tous ces privilèges : </b> <br/> AccessTransactions<br/><br/>


import HelloAssoApi from 'hello_asso_api';
let defaultClient = HelloAssoApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
let OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN';

let apiInstance = new HelloAssoApi.CommandesApi();
let organizationSlug = "organizationSlug_example"; // String | The organization slug
let formSlug = "formSlug_example"; // String | The form slug
let formType = new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsFormType(); // HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsFormType | The form type CrowdFunding, Membership, Event, Donation, PaymentForm, Checkout, Shop
let opts = {
  'from': new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), // Date | First Date Filter
  'to': new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), // Date | End Date Filter
  'userSearchKey': "userSearchKey_example", // String | Filter results on user or payer first name, last name or email
  'pageIndex': 1, // Number | The page of results to retrieve
  'pageSize': 20, // Number | The number of items per page
  'continuationToken': "continuationToken_example", // String | Continuation Token from which we wish to retrieve results
  'withDetails': false, // Boolean | Set to true to return CustomFields
  'sortOrder': new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder(), // HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder | Sort forms orders by ascending or descending order. Default is descending
  'withCount': true // Boolean | Whether the pagination should include totalCount and totalPages.
apiInstance.organizationsOrganizationSlugFormsFormTypeFormSlugOrdersGet(organizationSlug, formSlug, formType, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
organizationSlug String The organization slug
formSlug String The form slug
formType HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsFormType The form type CrowdFunding, Membership, Event, Donation, PaymentForm, Checkout, Shop
from Date First Date Filter [optional]
to Date End Date Filter [optional]
userSearchKey String Filter results on user or payer first name, last name or email [optional]
pageIndex Number The page of results to retrieve [optional] [default to 1]
pageSize Number The number of items per page [optional] [default to 20]
continuationToken String Continuation Token from which we wish to retrieve results [optional]
withDetails Boolean Set to true to return CustomFields [optional] [default to false]
sortOrder HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder Sort forms orders by ascending or descending order. Default is descending [optional]
withCount Boolean Whether the pagination should include totalCount and totalPages. [optional] [default to true]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json


organizationsOrganizationSlugItemsGet(organizationSlug, opts)

Obtenir une liste d'articles vendus par une organisation

<br/><br/><b>Votre token doit avoir l'un de ces rôles : </b><br/>OrganizationAdmin<br/><br/>Si vous êtes une <b>association</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles avec votre client.<br/>Si vous êtes un <b>partenaire</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles par le flux d'autorisation.<br/><br/><b>Votre clientId doit être autorisé à tous ces privilèges : </b> <br/> AccessTransactions<br/><br/>


import HelloAssoApi from 'hello_asso_api';
let defaultClient = HelloAssoApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
let OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN';

let apiInstance = new HelloAssoApi.CommandesApi();
let organizationSlug = "organizationSlug_example"; // String | The organization slug
let opts = {
  'from': new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), // Date | First Date Filter
  'to': new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), // Date | End Date Filter
  'userSearchKey': "userSearchKey_example", // String | Filter results on user or payer first name, last name or email
  'pageIndex': 1, // Number | The page of results to retrieve
  'pageSize': 20, // Number | The number of items per page
  'continuationToken': "continuationToken_example", // String | Continuation Token from which we wish to retrieve results
  'tierTypes': [new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsTierType()], // [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsTierType] | The type of tiers Donation, Payment, Registration, Membership, MonthlyDonation, MonthlyPayment, OfflineDonation, Contribution, Bonus
  'itemStates': [new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsItemState()], // [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsItemState] | The item states  Available values: * `Processed` - The item is paid and is valid * `Registered` - The item has been registered manually by the organization and is valid * `Unknown` * `Canceled` - The item has been canceled, and is no longer valid
  'tierName': "tierName_example", // String | The name of a tier
  'withDetails': false, // Boolean | Set to true to return CustomFields and Options
  'sortOrder': new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder(), // HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder | Sort organizations items by ascending or descending order. Default is descending
  'sortField': new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortField(), // HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortField | Sort organizations items by a specific field (Date or UpdateDate). Default is date
  'withCount': true // Boolean | Whether the pagination should include totalCount and totalPages.
apiInstance.organizationsOrganizationSlugItemsGet(organizationSlug, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');


Name Type Description Notes
organizationSlug String The organization slug
from Date First Date Filter [optional]
to Date End Date Filter [optional]
userSearchKey String Filter results on user or payer first name, last name or email [optional]
pageIndex Number The page of results to retrieve [optional] [default to 1]
pageSize Number The number of items per page [optional] [default to 20]
continuationToken String Continuation Token from which we wish to retrieve results [optional]
tierTypes [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsTierType] The type of tiers Donation, Payment, Registration, Membership, MonthlyDonation, MonthlyPayment, OfflineDonation, Contribution, Bonus [optional]
itemStates [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsItemState] The item states Available values: * `Processed` - The item is paid and is valid * `Registered` - The item has been registered manually by the organization and is valid * `Unknown` * `Canceled` - The item has been canceled, and is no longer valid [optional]
tierName String The name of a tier [optional]
withDetails Boolean Set to true to return CustomFields and Options [optional] [default to false]
sortOrder HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder Sort organizations items by ascending or descending order. Default is descending [optional]
sortField HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortField Sort organizations items by a specific field (Date or UpdateDate). Default is date [optional]
withCount Boolean Whether the pagination should include totalCount and totalPages. [optional] [default to true]

Return type

null (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, text/csv


ResultsWithPaginationModelOrder organizationsOrganizationSlugOrdersGet(organizationSlug, opts)

Obtenir les commandes d'une organisation

<br/><br/><b>Votre token doit avoir l'un de ces rôles : </b><br/>OrganizationAdmin<br/><br/>Si vous êtes une <b>association</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles avec votre client.<br/>Si vous êtes un <b>partenaire</b>, vous pouvez obtenir ces rôles par le flux d'autorisation.<br/><br/><b>Votre clientId doit être autorisé à tous ces privilèges : </b> <br/> AccessTransactions<br/><br/>


import HelloAssoApi from 'hello_asso_api';
let defaultClient = HelloAssoApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
let OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN';

let apiInstance = new HelloAssoApi.CommandesApi();
let organizationSlug = "organizationSlug_example"; // String | The organization slug
let opts = {
  'from': new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), // Date | First Date Filter
  'to': new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), // Date | End Date Filter
  'userSearchKey': "userSearchKey_example", // String | Filter results on user or payer first name, last name or email
  'pageIndex': 1, // Number | The page of results to retrieve
  'pageSize': 20, // Number | The number of items per page
  'continuationToken': "continuationToken_example", // String | Continuation Token from which we wish to retrieve results
  'formTypes': [new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsFormType()], // [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsFormType] | The type of the form CrowdFunding, Membership, Event, Donation, PaymentForm, Checkout, Shop
  'withDetails': false, // Boolean | Set to true to return CustomFields
  'sortOrder': new HelloAssoApi.HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder(), // HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder | Sort organizations orders by ascending or descending order. Default is descending
  'withCount': true // Boolean | Whether the pagination should include totalCount and totalPages.
apiInstance.organizationsOrganizationSlugOrdersGet(organizationSlug, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
organizationSlug String The organization slug
from Date First Date Filter [optional]
to Date End Date Filter [optional]
userSearchKey String Filter results on user or payer first name, last name or email [optional]
pageIndex Number The page of results to retrieve [optional] [default to 1]
pageSize Number The number of items per page [optional] [default to 20]
continuationToken String Continuation Token from which we wish to retrieve results [optional]
formTypes [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsFormType] The type of the form CrowdFunding, Membership, Event, Donation, PaymentForm, Checkout, Shop [optional]
withDetails Boolean Set to true to return CustomFields [optional] [default to false]
sortOrder HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsSortOrder Sort organizations orders by ascending or descending order. Default is descending [optional]
withCount Boolean Whether the pagination should include totalCount and totalPages. [optional] [default to true]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json