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Chris Woodward edited this page Sep 17, 2013 · 1 revision
  <name>Flood Control</name>
	  <label>Max Lines</label>
	  <label>Spam Timeout</label>
	  <label>Warn Nick</label>
	  <value>Please do not spam</value>
	  <label>Warn Message</label>
	  <label>Kick Nick</label>
	  <value>Please do not spam</value>
	  <label>Kick Message</label>
	  <label>Ban Nick</label>
	  <value>Please do not spam</value>
	  <label>Ban Message</label>
  <name>Find and Replace</name>
  <name>4chan Browser</name>
	  <description>Views a specific thread ID or OP number of a board, or the list of boards on 4chan.</description>
	  <syntax>[{board}] [{(#)thread_ID|OP_index}] [{(#)reply_ID|reply_index}]</syntax>
	  <name>Next Thread</name>
	  <description>Gets the next OP on the current board.</description>
	  <name>Next Reply</name>
	  <description>Gets the next reply on the current thread.</description>
  <name>URL Parsing</name>
	  <label>Parse URLs</label>
	  <label>Parse Youtube URLs</label>
	  <label>Parse 4chan URLs</label>
	  <label>Parse Image URLs</label>
	  <label>Parse Video URLs</label>
	  <label>Parse Application URLs</label>
	  <label>Parse Audio URLs</label>
	  <label>Parse Content Type</label>
  <name>Is It Up</name>
	  <name>Is It Up</name>
	  <description>Checks to see if the web service is accessible from the bot.</description>
  <name>Ping Me</name>
	  <name>Ping Me</name>
	  <description>Gets the ping time between your client and me.</description>
	  <name>Seen Nick</name>
	  <description>Displays the last time the nick has been seen in the channel.</description>
	  <name>Set Access</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified nick to the access list with the specified level.</description>
	  <syntax>{nick} {access_level}</syntax>
	  <name>Remove Access</name>
	  <description>Removes the specified access level from the nick.</description>
	  <syntax>{nick} {access_level}</syntax>
	  <name>List Access Levels</name>
	  <description>Lists all the users with access on the channel and their level.</description>
	  <name>Get User Access Level</name>
	  <description>Displays the current access level of a user.</description>
	  <syntax>[{channel}] {nick}</syntax>
	  <name>Set Founder</name>
	  <description>Sets the nick to Owner of the chan.</description>
	  <name>Remove Founder</name>
	  <description>Unsets the nick as Owner of the chan.</description>
	  <name>Add Auto-SOP</name>
	  <description>Adds the nick to the Auto Super Op List.</description>
	  <name>Remove Auto-SOP</name>
	  <description>Removes the nick from the Auto Super Op List.</description>
	  <name>Set SOP</name>
	  <description>Sets the nick as Super Op.</description>
	  <name>Remove SOP</name>
	  <description>Removes the nick as Super Op.</description>
	  <name>Add Auto-OP</name>
	  <description>Adds the nick to the Auto Op List.</description>
	  <name>Remove Auto-OP</name>
	  <description>Removes the nick from the Auto Op List.</description>
	  <name>Set OP</name>
	  <description>Sets the nick as an Op.</description>
	  <name>Remove OP</name>
	  <description>Removes the nick as an Op.</description>
	  <name>Add Auto-HOP</name>
	  <description>Adds the nick to the Auto HOP List.</description>
	  <name>Remove Auto-HOP</name>
	  <description>Removes the nick from the Auto HOP List.</description>
	  <name>Add Auto-Voice</name>
	  <description>Adds the nick to the Auto Voice List.</description>
	  <name>Remove Auto-Voice</name>
	  <description>Removes the nick from the Auto Voice List.</description>
	  <name>Set Channel Mode</name>
	  <description>Sets or unsets a channel mode.</description>
	  <name>Set Channel Topic</name>
	  <description>Sets the channels topic.</description>
	  <name>Invite to Channel</name>
	  <description>Invites the specified nick into the channel.</description>
	  <syntax>{nick} [{channel}]</syntax>
	  <name>Auto Kick a Nick</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified nick to the auto kick list.</description>
	  <syntax>{nick} [{reason}]</syntax>
	  <name>Auto Ban a Nick</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified nick to the auto ban list.</description>
	  <syntax>{nick} [{reason}]</syntax>
	  <name>Auto Kick-Ban a Nick</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified nick to the auto kick-ban list.</description>
	  <syntax>{nick} [{reason}]</syntax>
	  <name>Remove Nick's Auto Kick</name>
	  <description>Removess the specified nick to the auto kick list.</description>
	  <name>Remove Nick's Auto Ban</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified nick to the auto ban list.</description>
	  <name>Remove Nick's Auto Kick-Ban</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified nick to the auto kick-ban list.</description>
	  <name>Set HOP</name>
	  <description>Sets the nick as Half Op.</description>
	  <name>Remove HOP</name>
	  <description>Removes the nick as Half Op.</description>
	  <name>Ban a Nick</name>
	  <description>Bans the specified nick.</description>
	  <syntax>{nick} [{reason}]</syntax>
	  <name>UnBan a Nick</name>
	  <description>UnBans the specified nick.</description>
	  <name>Clear all Bans</name>
	  <description>Clears all the bans in the channel.</description>
	  <name>Kick+Ban a Nick</name>
	  <description>Bans and then Kicks the specified nick.</description>
	  <syntax>{nick} [{reason}]</syntax>
	  <name>Timed Ban</name>
	  <description>Bans the specified nick for the ammount of time specified.</description>
	  <syntax>{ban_time} {nick} [{reason}]</syntax>
	  <name>Timed Kick+Ban</name>
	  <description>Bans and then Kicks the specified nick for the ammount of time specified.</description>
	  <syntax>{ban_time} {nick} [{reason}]</syntax>
	  <name>Kick a User</name>
	  <description>Kicks the user from the channel.</description>
	  <syntax>{nick} [{reason}]</syntax>
	  <name>Set Voice</name>
	  <description>Sets the nick as Voiced.</description>
	  <name>Remove Voice</name>
	  <description>Removes the nick as Voiced.</description>
	  <name>Kick Yourself</name>
	  <description>Kicks you from the channel.</description>
	  <label>Modes not allowed</label>
	  <name>Identify as Owner</name>
	  <description>Identifies you as the Bot's owner.</description>
	  <name>Add Owner</name>
	  <description>Adds the defined nick as an owner to me.</description>
	  <name>Delete Owner</name>
	  <description>Removes the defined nick from my owners list.</description>
	  <name>Change Nickname</name>
	  <description>Changes my nickname to the one specified.</description>
	  <name>Identify Bot</name>
	  <description>Makes me identify to the server.</description>
	  <name>Join Channel</name>
	  <description>Tells me to join the defined channel.</description>
	  <name>Part Channel</name>
	  <description>Tells me to leave the defined channel.</description>
	  <name>Say Message</name>
	  <description>I will display whatever the message is.</description>
	  <syntax>[{channel}] {message}</syntax>
	  <name>Action Message</name>
	  <description>I will display whatever the message is as an action.</description>
	  <syntax>[{channel}] {message}</syntax>
	  <description>Tells me to quit the server.</description>
	  <name>Disconnect All Servers</name>
	  <description>Tells me to quit all the servers I am connected to.</description>
	  <description>Tells me to restart the server.</description>
	  <name>Restart All Servers</name>
	  <description>Tells me to restart all the servers I am connected to.</description>
	  <name>Add to Ignore List</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified nick to the ignore list and the nick will not be able to use any modules.</description>
	  <name>Remove from Ignore List</name>
	  <description>Removes the specified nick from the ignore list.</description>
	  <name>Add to Module Ignore List</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified nick or channel to the module ignore list and the nick or channel will not be able to use the specified module.</description>
	  <syntax>{module} {nick|channel}</syntax>
	  <name>Remove from Module Ignore List</name>
	  <description>Removes the specified nick or channel from the module ignore list.</description>
	  <syntax>{module} {nick|channel}</syntax>
	  <name>Add to Command Ignore List</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified nick or channel to the command ignore list and the nick or channel will not be able to use the specified command.</description>
	  <syntax>{command} {nick|channel}</syntax>
	  <name>Remove from Command Ignore List</name>
	  <description>Removes the specified nick or channel from the command ignore list.</description>
	  <syntax>{command} {nick|channel}</syntax>
	  <name>Add to Channel Blacklist</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified channel to the blacklist and the bot will not join that channel.</description>
	  <name>Remove from Channel Blacklist</name>
	  <description>Removes the specified channel from the blacklist.</description>
	  <name>Update Configuration</name>
	  <description>Updates the Modules and Configurations on all the server sessions.</description>
	  <name>Display Loaded Modules</name>
	  <description>Displays all the loaded modules.</description>
	  <name>Load Module</name>
	  <description>Loads the specified Module into the bot.</description>
	  <name>Unload Module</name>
	  <description>Unloads the specified Module from the bot.</description>
	  <name>Invite to Channel</name>
	  <description>Lets any user invite me to their channel.</description>
	  <name>Add Channel to Auto-Join</name>
	  <description>Allows the owner to add a channel to the auto-join list.</description>
	  <name>Remove Channel from Auto-Join</name>
	  <description>Allows the owner to remove a channel to the auto-join list.</description>
	  <name>List Channels</name>
	  <description>Displays the channels I am in.</description>
	  <name>List Servers</name>
	  <description>Displays the servers I am in.</description>
	  <name>List Configuration</name>
	  <description>Displays the different values for my current configuration.</description>
	  <syntax>conf [module_config|bot_instances]</syntax>
	  <name>Clear Channel</name>
	  <description>Kicks everyone from the channel except initiator and the bot.</description>
	  <label>Don't display Private channels</label>
	  <description>Displays the modules available to you.  View the module to see it's commands you can use.</description>
	  <syntax>[{module}] [{command}]</syntax>
	  <name>View Channel Rules</name>
	  <description>Sends you the channel rules.</description>
	  <name>Remove Channel Rule</name>
	  <description>Removes the specified rule number from the rules list.</description>
	  <name>Add Channel Rule</name>
	  <description>Adds the specified rule to the end of the channel rules list.</description>
	  <name>Send a Message</name>
	  <description>Leaves a message for the specified nick.  Will be delivered once the nick joins or speaks in a channel i'm in.</description>
	  <syntax>{nick} {message}</syntax>
	  <name>Set your Introduction</name>
	  <description>Adds a personal greeting for whenever you enter the channel.  You can add multiple greetings by using | in between each greeting.</description>
	  <name>Delete your Introduction</name>
	  <description>Deletes all of your introductions.</description>
	  <label>Max Intro Char Length</label>
	  <name>Channel Quote</name>
	  <description>Gets a random quote from the channel.  If a nickname is specified, it will get a quote from that nickname.</description>
	  <label>Allow Quote Lookup by Nick</label>
	  <name>Get Current Weather</name>
	  <description>Displays the current weather conditions for the city you search for.</description>
	  <name>Get Weather Forecast</name>
	  <description>Displays the weather forecast for the city you search for.</description>
	  <label>Allow Current Weather</label>
	  <label>Allow Forecast</label>
	  <label>Days to forecast (5 Max)</label>
	  <name>Google Search</name>
	  <description>Returns the first result from Google.</description>
	  <label>Show URL of result</label>
  <name>Urban Dictionary</name>
	  <name>Urban Dictionary</name>
	  <description>Returns the top result from Urban Dictionary.</description>
	  <label>Show URL of result</label>
	  <name>Magic 8-Ball</name>
	  <description>Answers any question you have!</description>
	  <name>Initiate the H-Bomb</name>
	  <description>Initiates a new game of pass the Hbomb.</description>
	  <name>Pass the H-Bomb</name>
	  <description>Passes the H-Bomb to the specified nick.</description>
	  <name>Lock the H-Bomb</name>
	  <description>Locks the bomb to the current holder, or passes it and then locks it.</description>
	  <name>Unlock the H-Bomb</name>
	  <description>Unlocks the bomb to the current holder.</description>
	  <name>Set bomb holder</name>
	  <description>Sets the bomb holder to the specified nick.</description>
	  <name>Detonate Bomb</name>
	  <description>Detonates the current active bomb.</description>
	  <name>Stop the Bomb</name>
	  <description>Stops the bomb without it blowing up.</description>
	  <name>Defuse the H-Bomb</name>
	  <description>Cuts a wire of the H-Bomb.  If you get it correct, the person who passed it to you gets bombed, otherwise you do.</description>
	  <label>Wire Colors</label>
	  <name>Send Love</name>
	  <description>Sends some love to the nick or yourself.</description>
	  <description>Sends a hug to the nick or yourself.</description>
	  <name>Slap Someone</name>
	  <description>Slaps a nick or yourself.</description>
	  <name>Check In</name>
	  <description>Checks in to the channel!</description>
	  <description>Responds with HUEHUEHUE</description>
	  <description>Talks about the quality .net framework</description>
	  <name>Add Response</name>
	  <description>Adds a new response to the dictionary.</description>
	  <name>Stop Chatting</name>
	  <description>Stops the bot from chatting to you.</description>
	  <label>Chat Timeout in Seconds</label>
	  <name>Create Poll</name>
	  <description>Creates a poll in the channel.</description>
	  <name>Add Answer</name>
	  <description>Adds an answer to the active poll.</description>
	  <name>Delete Answer</name>
	  <description>Deletes the specified answer.</description>
	  <name>Stop Poll</name>
	  <description>Stops the active poll and displays the results.</description>
	  <name>Display Results</name>
	  <description>Displays the results of the current poll.</description>
	  <description>Votes for the specified answer.</description>
  <name>Roll Call</name>
	  <name>Roll Call</name>
	  <description>Has me say everyone's nick in the channel for a roll call.</description>
	  <value>It's time for a Roll Call</value>
	  <label>Roll Call Message</label>
  <name>Version Response</name>
	  <name>Get Version</name>
	  <description>Sends a Version request and displays the response.</description>
	  <value>the Moon</value>
	  <label>Machine bot is ran on</label>
	  <name>Go Idle</name>
	  <description>Sets you as idle.  Will protect you from certain games and actions.</description>
	  <name>Return from Idle</name>
	  <description>Returns you from idle.</description>
  <name>Roll Dice</name>
	  <name>Roll Dice</name>
	  <description>Rolls a specified number of dice with certain ammount of sides and displays the results.</description>
	  <syntax>[{number_of_dice}] [{number_of_sides}]</syntax>
	  <label>Maximum number of Dice allowed</label>
	  <label>Maximum number of sides allowed</label>
  <name>Wolfram Alpha</name>
	  <name>Wolfram Alpha</name>
	  <description>Returns the results of your query from Wolfram Alpha.</description>
	  <label>Wolfram Alpha API</label>
	  <name>Add Bug</name>
	  <description>Creates a new bug issue.</description>
	  <name>Add Request</name>
	  <description>Creates a new feature request.</description>
	  <label>GitHub Username</label>
	  <label>GitHub Password</label>
	  <label>Repository Name</label>
	  <description>Displays my information.</description>
	  <description>Displays how long I have been running.</description>
	  <label>Display Version</label>
	  <label>Display Creator</label>
	  <label>Display Owner</label>
  <name>Command Logging</name>
	  <name>Get Command Usage</name>
	  <description>Displays the last nickname who used that command, or when a nick last used a command.</description>
	  <syntax>[{command}] [{nick}] [{number_of_results}]</syntax>
	  <name>Set Alarm</name>
	  <description>Sets an alrm for the time specified.</description>
	  <syntax>{time} {message or command}</syntax>
	  <name>Start Survey</name>
	  <description>Starts a survey session for you via query.</description>
	  <name>List Surveys</name>
	  <description>Lists all the surveys available to you, the nicks who have completed the survey, or the answers from the specified nick about that survey.</description>
	  <syntax>[{survey_num}] [{nick}]</syntax>
	  <name>Next Question</name>
	  <description>Submits your entered text as an answer and displays the next question.</description>
	  <name>Add Survey</name>
	  <description>Begins to add a new survey to the survey list.</description>
	  <syntax>{survey_access_level} {survey_name}</syntax>
	  <name>Delete Survey</name>
	  <description>Deletes the specified server from the Server list.</description>
	  <name>Finish Survey</name>
	  <description>Finalizes the submitted survey and adds it to the list.</description>
	  <name>Cancel Survey</name>
	  <description>Cancels the current survey and erases your answers.  Or if you are adding a survey, it will delete al lyour entered questions.</description>
	  <name>Add Survey Owner</name>
	  <description>Adds an owner to the specified survey.  Multiple owners can be added by comma separating them.</description>
	  <syntax>{survey_number} {new_owners}</syntax>
	  <name>Delete Survey Owner</name>
	  <description>Deletes an owner to the specified survey.  Multiple owners can be deleted by comma separating them.</description>
	  <syntax>{survey_number} {owners}</syntax>
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