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Changing the Prefix of the Redis List

waawal edited this page Apr 9, 2012 · 2 revisions

Changing the Prefix of the Redis List

HotQueue automatically assigns you the "hotqueue"-prefix to your keys. That means that the Redis-list that gets produced will be accessible by hotqueue:myqueue if myqueue is the name of your queue. Sometimes it can be necessary to override this behaviour.

This can be done by passing the prefix argument to the bottle-plugin. You will also have to override the key_for_name function in the hotqueue module.


import bottle
from bottlehotqueue import HotQueuePlugin

app = bottle.Bottle()
hotqueue = HotQueuePlugin(keyword="myhotqueue", prefix="myprefix")

HotQueue wasn't designed for this so you will have to override the key_for_name function of the HotQueue module. Below is a consumer that does just that.


import json
import hotqueue

PREFIX = "myprefix"
hotqueue.key_for_name = lambda x: ''.join([PREFIX, ":", x])

queue = hotqueue.HotQueue("myqueue", serializer=json)

for item in queue.consume():
    print item
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