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Pose tracking and comparison in the video sequence


conda create --name pose-tracking python=3.7
conda activate pose-tracking

git clone

pip install cython; pip install -U 'git+'

pip install -U 'git+'

pip install torch torchvision

pip install opencv-python-headless

pip install opencv-contrib-python-headless

pip install tensorflow==1.14

pip install scikit_learn

pip install nonechucks==0.3.1

pip install imgaug==0.2.8 --no-dependencies

pip install git+

Pose tracking

Steps in pose tracking:

  1. Detect object within an image
  2. Apply DeepSORT to track the detected objects
  3. Crop and resize the tracked object
  4. Run pose estimation on resulted image

Detection and tracking

We run object detection and tracking on the video sequence using Faster R-CNN and Deep SORT

Pose estimation

For each frame we crop and resize the tracked player to dimenisions 300x800, when a pose estimation is executed

Pose tracking

Estimated pose for tracked player is saved, and at the end we can visualize poses across frames

Pose alignment

We can compare poses of two different players executing the same action sequence, where we observe the first one as a template and evaluate the second one to find needed correction in order to correctly execute the action

Run on a custom video sequence

Pose tracking

Defining a pose tracker for a video in a given path:

from pose_tracker import PoseTracker
pt = PoseTracker(video="")

We can run pose tracking for all players in the scene:

Or we can run pose tracking for only one specific player, here you need to hit the key s to enter tracker id of player you wish to track:


Results can be saved and loaded:

After running pose tracking we can visualize poses in space across time for a specific player:


Pose comparison

We can compare two pose sequences, first, we run or load tracked poses

from pose_tracker import PoseTracker
pt1 = PoseTracker(video="")

pt2 = PoseTracker(video="")

Then we need to get the specific pose sequences for a target player from each pose tracker that will be compared

poses_1 = pt.pose_visualizer.poses_for_id(7)
poses_2 = pt2.pose_visualizer.poses_for_id(3)

We then compute the distance between the two poses and find the appropriate starting point of the second sequence to match the first one. Important to notice here is that the second sequence must be longer than the first one and the function find_and_compute_distance will take care of the rest

from pose_comparator import find_and_compute_distance

poses_1, poses_2, distances = find_and_compute_distance(poses_1, poses_2)

print("Total distance: " + str(np.array(distances).flatten().sum()))

Finally, we can visualize the difference (delay represents the number of seconds before continuing to the next pose)

from pose_visualizer import PoseVisualizer
PoseVisualizer.show_sequence(poses_1, poses_2, delay=4)

Final code

from pose_comparator import find_and_compute_distance
from pose_tracker import PoseTracker
from pose_visualizer import PoseVisualizer

pt1 = PoseTracker(video="")

pt2 = PoseTracker(video="")

poses_1 = pt.pose_visualizer.poses_for_id(7)
poses_2 = pt2.pose_visualizer.poses_for_id(3)

poses_1, poses_2, distances = find_and_compute_distance(poses_1, poses_2)

print("Total distance: " + str(np.array(distances).flatten().sum()))

PoseVisualizer.show_sequence(poses_1, poses_2, delay=4)

Training on a custom dataset

Creating a custom dataset


  1. Create images from a video sequence
  2. Annotate images with bounding boxes and keypoints
  3. Download and fix .json file with annotations

You can clip a video to a specific starting and ending point where you want to extract images to train:

from create_dataset import clip
clip(video="", output_video="")

To create images from a video sequence of a target you can use following:

from create_dataset import create_images
create_images(o_v="", v_focus_id=7)

Annotation After creating images, they need to be annotated. For annotation use COCO-Annotator. Download the annotator tool and run it with docker:

cd coco-annotator
docker-compose up

Using command docker container ls find the id of the container and copy the generated images:

cd <name_of_the_dataset_folder>
docker cp . <container_id_with_name_annotation_workers>:/datasets/<name_of_the_dataset_folder>

Open the browser on the URL http://localhost:5000/ and sign in with admin:admin to start annotating.

After finishing annotating the images, download the .json file and run the following function:

from create_dataset import fix_exported_json

Training the model with a new dataset

To train the model with a new dataset, apply needed changes to the file. Firstly, change the dataset name if you want:

CUSTOM_DATASET_NAME = "my_custom_dataset"

Change path for dataset registration to point on your images and .json file

register_coco_instances(CUSTOM_DATASET_NAME, {}, "name_of_the_json_file.json", "./folder_of_generated_images/full_hd/")

Finally, you can train your model. After the model is trained it will be placed in the "./output/" folder with a name "model_final.pth"


Additionally, you can check if the dataset has loaded correctly


Also, after training, you can check if the accuracy of the pose estimation has improved on the dataset


Additionaly, you can test model performance on the unseen dataset after training

predict_random_from_dataset(custom_dataset=[{"file_name": "./folder_of_generated_images/full_hd/full_hd/5_{0}.png".format(x)} for x in [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75]], sample_size=None)


Pose tracking in the videos






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