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Hoon co
Adam Bliss edited this page Oct 25, 2013
1 revision
++ co
=< |_ lot=coin
++ rear |=(rom=tape =>(.(rex rom) rend))
++ rent `@ta`(rap 3 rend)
++ rend
^- tape
?: ?=(%blob -.lot)
['~' '0' ((w-co 1) (jam p.lot))]
?: ?=(%many -.lot)
:- '.'
|- ^- tape
?~ p.lot
['_' '_' rex]
['_' rend(lot i.p.lot, rex $(p.lot t.p.lot))]
=+ [yed=(end 3 1 p.p.lot) hay=(cut 3 [1 1] p.p.lot)]
|- ^- tape
?+ yed (z-co q.p.lot)
%c ['~' '-' (weld (rip 3 (wood (tuft q.p.lot))) rex)]
?+ hay (z-co q.p.lot)
=+ yod=(yore q.p.lot)
=> ^+(. .(rex ?~(f.t.yod rex ['.' (s-co f.t.yod)])))
=> ^+ .
%= .
?: &(=(~ f.t.yod) =(0 h.t.yod) =(0 m.t.yod) =(0 s.t.yod))
=> .(rex ['.' (y-co s.t.yod)])
=> .(rex ['.' (y-co m.t.yod)])
['.' '.' (y-co h.t.yod)]
=> .(rex ['.' (a-co d.t.yod)])
=> .(rex ['.' (a-co m.yod)])
=> .(rex ?:(a.yod rex ['-' rex]))
['~' (a-co y.yod)]
=+ yug=(yell q.p.lot)
=> ^+(. .(rex ?~(f.yug rex ['.' (s-co f.yug)])))
:- '~'
?: &(=(0 d.yug) =(0 m.yug) =(0 h.yug) =(0 s.yug))
['.' 's' '0' rex]
=> ^+(. ?:(=(0 s.yug) . .(rex ['.' 's' (a-co s.yug)])))
=> ^+(. ?:(=(0 m.yug) . .(rex ['.' 'm' (a-co m.yug)])))
=> ^+(. ?:(=(0 h.yug) . .(rex ['.' 'h' (a-co h.yug)])))
=> ^+(. ?:(=(0 d.yug) . .(rex ['.' 'd' (a-co d.yug)])))
?: =(& q.p.lot)
['.' 'y' rex]
?:(=(| q.p.lot) ['.' 'n' rex] (z-co q.p.lot))
%n ['~' rex]
?+ hay (z-co q.p.lot)
%f ((ro-co [3 10 4] |=(a=@ ~(d ne a))) q.p.lot)
%s ((ro-co [4 16 8] |=(a=@ ~(x ne a))) q.p.lot)
=+ dyx=(met 3 q.p.lot)
:- '~'
?: (lte dyx 1)
(weld (trip (tod:po q.p.lot)) rex)
?: =(2 dyx)
;: weld
(trip (tos:po (end 3 1 q.p.lot)))
(trip (tod:po (rsh 3 1 q.p.lot)))
=+ [dyz=(met 5 q.p.lot) fin=|]
|- ^- tape
?: =(0 dyz)
%= $
fin &
dyz (dec dyz)
q.p.lot (rsh 5 1 q.p.lot)
=+ syb=(wren:un (end 5 1 q.p.lot))
=+ cog=~(zig mu [(rsh 4 1 syb) (end 4 1 syb)])
;: weld
(trip (tos:po (end 3 1 p.cog)))
(trip (tod:po (rsh 3 1 p.cog)))
`tape`['-' ~]
(trip (tos:po (end 3 1 q.cog)))
(trip (tod:po (rsh 3 1 q.cog)))
`tape`?:(fin ['-' ?:(=(1 (end 0 1 dyz)) ~ ['-' ~])] ~)
?+ hay (z-co q.p.lot)
%d ['.' '~' (r-co (rlyd q.p.lot))]
%h ['.' '~' '~' (r-co (rlyh q.p.lot))]
%q ['.' '~' '~' '~' (r-co (rlyq q.p.lot))]
%s ['.' (r-co (rlys q.p.lot))]
=- (weld p.gam ?:(=(0 q.p.lot) `tape`['0' ~] q.gam))
^= gam ^- [p=tape q=tape]
?+ hay [~ ((ox-co [10 3] |=(a=@ ~(d ne a))) q.p.lot)]
%b [['0' 'b' ~] ((ox-co [2 4] |=(a=@ ~(d ne a))) q.p.lot)]
%x [['0' 'x' ~] ((ox-co [16 4] |=(a=@ ~(x ne a))) q.p.lot)]
%v [['0' 'v' ~] ((ox-co [32 5] |=(a=@ ~(x ne a))) q.p.lot)]
%w [['0' 'w' ~] ((ox-co [64 5] |=(a=@ ~(w ne a))) q.p.lot)]
%+ weld
?:((syn:si q.p.lot) "--" "-")
$(yed 'u', q.p.lot (abs:si q.p.lot))
?: =('a' hay)
?: =('s' (cut 3 [2 1] p.p.lot))
(weld (rip 3 q.p.lot) rex)
['~' '.' (weld (rip 3 (wack q.p.lot)) rex)]
['~' '~' (weld (rip 3 (wood q.p.lot)) rex)]
=+ rex=*tape
=< |%
++ a-co |=(dat=@ ((d-co 1) dat))
++ d-co |=(min=@ (em-co [10 min] |=([? b=@ c=tape] [~(d ne b) c])))
++ r-co
|= [syn=? nub=@ der=@]
=> .(rex ['.' ((d-co 1) der)])
=> .(rex ((d-co 1) nub))
?:(syn rex ['-' rex])
++ s-co
|= esc=(list ,@) ^- tape
~| [%so-co esc]
?~ esc
:- '.'
=>(.(rex $(esc t.esc)) ((x-co 4) i.esc))
++ w-co |=(min=@ (em-co [64 min] |=([? b=@ c=tape] [~(w ne b) c])))
++ x-co |=(min=@ (em-co [16 min] |=([? b=@ c=tape] [~(x ne b) c])))
++ y-co |=(dat=@ ((d-co 2) dat))
++ z-co |=(dat=@ `tape`['0' 'x' ((x-co 1) dat)])
++ em-co
|= [[bas=@ min=@] [par=_|+([? @ tape] *tape)]]
|= hol=@
^- tape
?: &(=(0 hol) =(0 min))
=+ [rad=(mod hol bas) dar=(div hol bas)]
%= $
min ?:(=(0 min) 0 (dec min))
hol dar
rex (par =(0 dar) rad rex)
++ ox-co
|= [[bas=@ gop=@] dug=_|+(@ @)]
%+ em-co
[|-(?:(=(0 gop) 1 (mul bas $(gop (dec gop))))) 0]
|= [top=? seg=@ res=tape]
%+ weld
?:(top ~ `tape`['.' ~])
%. seg
%+ em-co(rex res)
[bas ?:(top 0 gop)]
|=([? b=@ c=tape] [(dug b) c])
++ ro-co
|= [[buz=@ bas=@ dop=@] dug=_|+(@ @)]
|= hol=@
^- tape
?: =(0 dop)
=> .(rex $(dop (dec dop)))
:- '.'
%- (em-co [bas 1] |=([? b=@ c=tape] [(dug b) c]))
[(cut buz [(dec dop) 1] hol)]
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