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Adam Bliss edited this page Oct 25, 2013 · 1 revision


++  is                                                  ::  operate in time
  |=  [eny=@ vil=vile bud=vase fan=(list ,[p=@tas q=vase])]
  |_  now=@da 
  ++  beck  
    |=  wru=(unit writ)
    |+  hap=*
    ^-  (unit)
    =>  .(hap ((hard path) hap))
    ?.  ?=([@ @ @ *] hap)  ~
    =+  :*  hyr=(slay i.hap) 
            fal=(slay i.t.hap)
            dyc=(slay i.t.t.hap)
            ved=(slay i.t.t.t.hap) 
            ::  ved=(slay i.t.hap)
            ::  fal=(slay i.t.t.hap)
            ::  dyc=(slay i.t.t.t.hap)
    ?.  ?=([~ %$ %tas @] hyr)  ~
    ?.  ?=([~ %$ %p @] fal)  ~
    ?.  ?=([~ %$ %tas @] dyc)  ~
    ?.  ?=(^ ved)  ~
    =+  his=`@p`q.p.u.fal
    =>  .(wru ?^(wru wru [~ u=[p=[%lead his] q=his]]))  ::  XX dubious
    =+  dis=(end 3 1 q.p.u.hyr)
    =+  rem=(rsh 3 1 q.p.u.hyr)
    |-  ^-  (unit)
    ?~  fan  ~
    ?.  =(dis  $(fan
    %-  scry:(wink:(vent vil bud now (shax now) ..^$)
    [q.u.wru rem his q.p.u.dyc u.ved tyl]
  ++  dink                                              ::  vase by char
    |=  din=@tas  ^-  vase
    ?~(fan !! ?:(=(din $(fan
  ++  dint                                              ::  input to vane
    |=  hap=path  ^-  @tas
    ?+  hap  !!
      [@ %ames *]  %a
      [@ %batz *]  %b
      [@ %clay *]  %c
      [@ %sync *]  %c
      [@ %term *]  %d
      [@ %http *]  %e
  ++  doos                                              ::  sleep until
    |=  hap=path  ^-  (unit ,@da)
    (doze:(wink:(vent vil bud (dink (dint hap))) now 0 (beck ~)) now [hap ~])
  ++  hurl                                              ::  start loop no id
    |=  ovo=ovum
    ^-  [p=(list ovum) q=(list ,[p=@tas q=vase])]
    (kick [[~ [[(dint p.ovo) ~] p.ovo ~] q.ovo] ~])
  ++  hymn                                              ::  start loop with id
    |=  [who=ship ovo=ovum]
    ^-  [p=(list ovum) q=(list ,[p=@tas q=vase])]
    (kick [[[~ %iron who] [[(dint p.ovo) ~] p.ovo ~] q.ovo] ~])
  ++  kick                                              ::  complete loop
    |=  mor=(list move)
    =|  ova=(list ovum)
    |-  ^-  [p=(list ovum) q=(list ,[p=@tas q=vase])]
    ?~  mor
      [(flop ova) fan]
    ::  ~&  [%kick-move q.i.mor -.r.i.mor]
    ?>  ?=(^ q.i.mor)
    ?~  t.q.i.mor
      $(mor t.mor, ova [[i.q.i.mor r.i.mor] ova])
    ?>  ?=(^ i.q.i.mor)
    =-  $(mor (weld p.nyx t.mor), fan q.nyx)
    ^=  nyx
    =+  naf=fan
    |-  ^-  [p=(list move) q=_fan]
    ?~  naf  [~ ~]
    ?.  =(i.i.q.i.mor p.i.naf)
      =+  tuh=$(naf t.naf)
      [p.tuh [i.naf q.tuh]]
    =+  ven=(vent vil bud q.i.naf)
    =+  win=(wink:ven now (shax now) (beck p.i.mor))
    =+  ^=  yub
        %-  beat:win
        [p.i.mor t.i.q.i.mor t.q.i.mor r.i.mor]
    [p.yub [[p.i.naf ves:q.yub] t.naf]]


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