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Adam Bliss edited this page Oct 25, 2013 · 1 revision


++  lusk                                                ::  lcs to list patch
  |*  [hel=(list) hev=(list) lcs=(list)]
  =+  ^=  rag
      ^-  $%  [& p=@ud]
              [| p=_lcs q=_lcs]
      [%& 0]
  =>  .(rag [p=rag q=*(list _rag)])
  =<  abet  =<  main
  ++  abet  =.(q.rag ?:(=([& 0] p.rag) q.rag [p.rag q.rag]) (flop q.rag))
  ++  done
    |=  new=_p.rag
    ^+  rag
    ?-  -.p.rag
      |   ?-
            |  [[%| (weld p.p.rag) (weld q.p.rag)] q.rag]
            &  [new [p.rag q.rag]]
      &   ?-
            |  [new ?:(=(0 p.p.rag) q.rag [p.rag q.rag])]
            &  [[%& (add p.p.rag] q.rag]
  ++  main
    |-  ^+  +
    ?~  hel
      ?~  hev
        ?>(?=(~ lcs) +)
      $(hev t.hev, rag (done %| ~ [i.hev ~]))
    ?~  hev
      $(hel t.hel, rag (done %| [i.hel ~] ~))
    ?~  lcs
      +(rag (done %| (flop hel) (flop hev)))
    ?:  =(i.hel i.lcs)
      ?:  =(i.hev i.lcs)
        $(lcs t.lcs, hel t.hel, hev t.hev, rag (done %& 1))
      $(hev t.hev, rag (done %| ~ [i.hev ~]))
    ?:  =(i.hev i.lcs)
      $(hel t.hel, rag (done %| [i.hel ~] ~))
    $(hel t.hel, hev t.hev, rag (done %| [i.hel ~] [i.hev ~]))


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